Samantha Schumann and Sarah Dressler are juniors in the Athletic Training Education major on their study abroad semester experience with the SMATHIE federal grant. They took a moment to update us on their experiences so far in Frankfurt, Germany.

Upon arriving in Frankfurt in February, we each began our clinical rotations. There we helped patients with their rehabilitation routines. We even developed some of their treatment plans on our own. We also observed the physiotherapists’ manual therapy and techniques. After a month of clinical rotation experience, we began a three week intensive German language course and got involved with the erasmus student network group. This course enhanced our German language skills and allowed us to meet people from all over the world. The network group continually hosts traveling trips and fun events for us to attend. Our sport medicine classes began mid-April. These classes are very interesting, but they have proven to be challenging. Not only are they difficult subjects, but they are all taught in German. Being in large, “every man for himself” lectures, we have realized how much we appreciate Chapman’s small, close-knit Athletic Training Education Program.

Frankfurt is a very central location to all of Europe. It is a very fun city to explore within itself. However, we have both been fortunate enough to also explore other parts of Europe. We have been to several places including, Heidelburg, Berlin, Cologne, Bonn, Munich, Switzerland, Scotland, France, Belgium, and Amsterdam!

Currently, we have a clinical rotation with the American Universe, formally known as Frankfurt Galaxy. They are an American football team coached by an American. They recruit athletes aging from 24-40 years old from all over the world. The playing is not as advanced as in the states, but the fan base is surprisingly large. This rotation is the most similar clinical experience to our rotations at Chapman. We are enjoying getting lots of on-filed experience and improvising with different supplies than we are used to.
With a little over two months left, we are looking forward to traveling more, spending time with friends, football games, warm weather, and learning as much as possible!

Samantha and Sarah