This is reminder that in two weeks, the nation’s top experts in defending science education will host an open panel discussion on evolution and climate change at Chapman University on Friday, February 7th starting at 4:00pm in Argyros Forum 202.

Leading activists in the controversy of creationism and evolution from the National Center for Science Education (NCSE) will form the panel, led by Brian Alters, Ph.D., who directs Chapman’s Evolution Education Research Center and serves as president of the NCSE.

Dr. Jeannie Scott

Eugenie C. Scott, Ph.D., outgoing executive director of the NCSE

The panel includes outgoing executive director of the NCSE Eugenie C. Scott, Ph.D., who led the organization for the past 27 years. Scott is the author of Evolution vs. Creationism and is well versed in many aspects of that controversy including educational, legal, scientific, religious, and social issues.

Incoming NCSE Executive Director Ann Reid, a molecular biologist by training, who most recently was Director of the American Academy of Microbiology, will also lend her expertise on evolution and her vision for science education in schools as the event moderator.

Ann Reid and Eugenie Scott were recently interviewed from the Inquiring Minds Jan. 24, 2014’s Podcast, “Eugenie Scott & Ann Reid – The Assault on Science Education,” and discuss a series of topics including how educators can defend their rights to teach evolution, and federal and local policies regarding protecting evolution and science in the class rooms.  Please feel free to listen to the interview by clicking here.

You can also download Eugenie Scott’s 2010 lecture at Chapman University, Creationism Evolution Law Education Politics, from Itunes by clicking here.

You may also want to view the YouTube video if you are interested in listening to Dr. Eugenie Scott’s 2011 lecture on “Evolution and Global Warming Denialism: How the Public is Mislead,” by clicking here.

Rounding out the panel will be climate change expert and atmospheric scientist Ben Santer of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, and NCSE Board Member.  He is best known for his statistical “fingerprint” methods that pinpointed the human role in global warming and climate change.

Please feel free to view the YouTube video from Ben Santer’s 2010 lecture on global warming and public resistance from Stanford University by clicking here.

For more information about the panel discussion on evolution and climate change at Chapman University on Friday, February 7th, please click here (PDF).