Three CES graduate students traveled with their advisor to Atlanta, GA. for the International Leadership Association’s annual conference held November 2-5. The students competed in the International Leadership Association Student Case Study Competition where they were required to choose a social issue and discuss how leadership theories and practices can make an impact in addressing it.

Chapman students chose to focus on recidivism, using the theories of adaptive leadership and eco-leadership to work through practical applications for addressing the challenge of recidivism. During their presentation, they addressed the work of connecting the private, public and nonprofit sectors to bring about change. They also wrote a paper about the topic and were invited to the final round where they gave a brief oral presentation for the judges. Ultimately, they were named the winners of the CASE competition!

Their advisor, Dr. Whitney McIntyre-Miller called the win, “a very exciting honor for our students who worked very hard.”

“I am very humbled and honored to have worked with such an amazing group,” said first semester PhD student Beatriz Valencia. “I learned so much from my academic elders. This could not have happened without the gift each member brought to the table.”

The other participating students were Miznah Alomair and Scott DeLong.

Congratulations CASE team, you make Chapman proud!