71 posts categorized in

Student Voices


Chapman’s Future Teachers Provide Afterschool Enrichment Program

April 2, 2013 by | Student Voices

The students enrolled in EDUC 541: Teaching in a Culturally Diverse World, Math and Science Methods finished a successful teaching and learning project at Martin Luther King Elementary School in Santa Ana.  CES students, working toward a Preliminary teaching credential, had the opportunity to apply pedagogical concepts and skills throughout a three-week after-school enrichment program

Infusing Purpose and Inspiring Action – Isn’t that what education is about?

March 21, 2013 by | Education Issues

Common Core State Standards in Education The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are making their way into education and districts across the nation at different speeds.  While some districts are steeped in units of study and/or curriculum mapping, others are choosing to wait and proceed more slowly.  With either approach, I believe it is important

Suspension, Expulsion, and other ways to say, “Our way or the highway!”

March 12, 2013 by | Education Issues

I recently reviewed an analysis of suspension and expulsion data completed by Education Week.   These data originated from the U.S. Department of Education, wherein they examined race trends.  Some pretty savvy comments and questions were posted by readers.  They questioned the “lumping” of numbers, the gender inequity, and the lack of profiling schools as charter

Developing the reluctant leader

March 7, 2013 by | Education Issues

The reluctant leader We all take notice when a long, silent pause follows the big question, “What is Leadership?” The vastness of this question weighs heavily on us and we shy away from answering. The beauty of this question is leadership looks like many different things to different people. The round table discussion, “Developing the

Pride for My Mentor, My Friend

February 26, 2013 by | Student Voices

What is pride? As a teacher, I have been proud of my students. This has occurred in many instances. Whether they faced their fear of public speaking, achieved a long-sought goal, or graduated from high school or college- a feeling overcomes me. I was proud when my son was admitted to college. I was proud

Advice for a Student Teacher

December 3, 2012 by | Education Issues

A recent article in Education Week (Sawchuck, 2012) brings forth the issue of master teachers and their ability (or inability) to mentor student teachers. It tells of Summer Brewer’s first student-teaching experience, where the “master” teacher practiced the habit of worksheet marathons and desk sitting. According to Summer, the mentor spent most of her time

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