5 posts tagged

National Center for Science Education


EVOLUTION Education article published by CES Doctorate Student, Meredith Dorner and Dr. Eugenie Scott of the National Center for Science Education

May 2, 2016 by | Attallah College of Educational Studies

Meredith A. Dorner and NCSE’s (National Center for Science Education) founding executive director Eugenie C. Scott published “An Exploration of Instructor Perceptions of Community College Students’ Attitudes Towards Evolution” in Evolution: Education and Outreach. Dorner and Scott explain in the abstract, “we compared how community college instructors of life sciences courses perceive students’ attitudes towards

College of Educational Studies’ faculty associate has asteroid named in her honor! 

September 9, 2014 by | Attallah College of Educational Studies

Eugenie C. Scott, Ph.D. has been honored by International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center by having Asteroid 249530 named after her. Asteroid Eugeniescott orbits the Sun in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter every 5.3 years. It is about 2.9 kilometers across, and its surface is covered with a dark material suggesting that it was formed in the cooler, outer parts of our solar system. Dr. Eugenie Scott, a former university professor, served as the executive director of National Center for Science Education( NCSE) from 1987 to 2014.

NCSE: Scientific Education in Evolution and Climate Change Is Worth Fighting For

February 19, 2014 by | Attallah College of Educational Studies

On Friday, February 7, 2014, leading activist from the National Center for Science Education (NCSE) hosted a brief panel discussion on evolution and climate change at Chapman University. The discussion of topics included the reasons why educators should continue to teach and design curriculum based on the scientific findings, and why there is so much resistance toward the teaching of these two topics.

A Prelude to the Evolution and Climate Change Open Forum at Chapman University

January 28, 2014 by | Education Issues

Ann Reid and Eugenie Scott were recently interviewed from the Inquiring Minds Jan. 24, 2014’s Podcast, “Eugenie Scott & Ann Reid – The Assault on Science Education,” and discuss a series of topics including how educators can defend their rights to teach evolution, and federal and local policies regarding protecting evolution and science in the class rooms.

Dr. Brian Alters New President of NCSE

March 21, 2012 by | Faculty News

This past weekend, Brian Alters became President of the Board of Directors of the National Center for Science Education (NCSE).  The President for the past 18 years was Kevin Padian, Professor of paleontology at U.C. Berkeley. NCSE is frequently in the middle of heated national controversy. With the addition of the teaching of climate change to

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