2 posts tagged

school psychology research


My NASP Experience: A Brief Synopsis. By Kim Dieu, School Psychology Graduate Student

August 7, 2013 by | Education Issues

The vision of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) aims to ensure that all “children achieve their best. In school. At home. In life.” The NASP 2013 Annual Convention serves to connect school psychology graduate students and professionals by enhancing their knowledge of the most effective practices. Participating at the NASP 2013 Annual Convention

CES Faculty Recognized as Fulbright Specialists

November 13, 2012 by | Faculty News

The CES is happy to announce that two of our faculty have been selected as Fulbright Specialists for the upcoming year. These prestigious awards will allow them to continue their work in the fields of disability studies and school psychology. Susan Gabel, Ph.D., Professor and the new Director of the Ph.D. in Education and internationally

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