Resurrection Amid the 2020 Pandemic

April 29, 2020 by | Chaplain Musings

For Catholics and all Christians, the Easter season celebrates the most joyous time of year, the feast of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But how can we be joyous when living in isolation enduring the slow ache of loneliness? What is the timeline for returning to normality? No one really knows. This uncertainty may leave


Toward an Ethic of Appreciation

April 23, 2020 by | Chaplain Musings

What’s good or what’s bad are a bit confused right now. “I need to be working!” says a friend, who has never stopped working a day in nearly nine decades. I reply, “It’s the first time in your life that the right thing to do is to do nothing, isn’t it?” In the midst of


What Would You Say If Someone

April 23, 2020 by | Chaplain Musings

(To contact Shaykh Jibreel or receive regular Ramadan communications, email jspeight@chapman.edu)   What would you say if someone – let’s call that person “M” – said to you that s/he is going to do a re-boot of his/her life-giving an elaboration on this action? You ask for M’s reason(s) behind the desire to do this


Be Adaptive, Not Reactive to Change

April 23, 2020 by | Mental Health & Wellness

BE ADAPTIVE, NOT REACTIVE TO CHANGE “Healthy Brain, Healthy Mind” Series Chapman University’s Director of Contemplative Practices and Well-being Advances Strategies for Coping During Crisis and Uncertainty. Navigating change is never easy. Whether it’s a health scare, personal loss, or financial hardship, it’s natural to experience anxiety, grief, and a lack of feeling in control.


Feeling like a Family – Even in Isolation

April 16, 2020 by Jacob Rennaker | Chaplain Musings

Today, I’ve never felt more alone. But at the same time, I’ve never felt more connected to others – like I’m part of a very large and incredibly kind community that’s come to feel more like a family. How can I feel both at the same time? Let me explain. Our first child was due


Earth Day, Ridván, and Ramadan

April 15, 2020 by | Holidays

by Gail Stearns, Dean of the Chapel We might expect that religious holidays often offer strength to believers, with assurance that through trials emerge new life. However, I was surprised to learn that a holiday we can all celebrate, Earth Day, offers a similar message, if we take seriously lessons scientists are learning from their



April 10, 2020 by | Uncategorized

With shared commitment to uphold the strength of the Spiritual Pillar and the Chapman spirit, The Fish Interfaith Center is pleased to launch CHAPMAN HOPE—a new platform of online resources and virtual services to provide spiritual grounding, calm, care, and compassion during the COVID-19 crisis. We offer these resources as we adjust to the challenges


Introducing Chapman Hope

April 10, 2020 by | Uncategorized

Dear Friends of Chapman, The Fish Interfaith Center at Chapman University is pleased to introduce CHAPMAN HOPE! We have been working diligently in faith to create a platform for meditation, prayer, Chaplain support, and wellness resources for faculty, staff, students and our community, and support for our various spiritual and religious student groups. We are


Tips for Working Remotely

April 9, 2020 by | Uncategorized

“Who are you?” said the Caterpillar . . . “I – I hardly know, Sir, just at present,” Alice replied rather shyly, “at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have changed several times since then.” – Lewis Carroll Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Everything can

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