16 posts tagged



Eid Al-Fitr What is it and its relationship to Ramadan

April 21, 2023 by | Ramadan

Linguistically, “Eid” comes from a verb meaning the return of something time after time. The word itself means a time of returning joy. There are two Eids in Islam, one on the first day of the beginning of the 10th month in the Islamic calendar, “Shawwal,” and the other on the 10th day of the

How We Cope with Hope "Healthy Brain, Healthy Mind" Series (Week 2) with Dr. Jay Kumar

May 12, 2020 by | Mental Health & Wellness

How We Cope with Hope “Healthy Brain, Healthy Mind” Series Chapman University’s Director of Contemplative Practices and Well-being Advances Strategies for Coping During Crisis and Uncertainty. “Crisis-Coping” Fatigue Learning to cope in the midst of crisis and uncertainty can understandably take its toll on your brain, body, and being. These feelings can become all the more

You Can Close Your Eyes Reflection by Rev. Nancy Brink

May 7, 2020 by Rev. Nancy Brink | Chaplain Musings

Some years ago—I got an idea. I heard an old James Taylor song come on the radio: You Can Close Your Eyes. In the song, James’ phrase, “close your eyes,” is about trust. And that day I imagined that the singer of the song is Jesus, building community among his followers, singing to all of

Be Adaptive, Not Reactive to Change "Healthy Brain, Healthy Mind" Series (Week 1)

April 23, 2020 by | Mental Health & Wellness

BE ADAPTIVE, NOT REACTIVE TO CHANGE “Healthy Brain, Healthy Mind” Series Chapman University’s Director of Contemplative Practices and Well-being Advances Strategies for Coping During Crisis and Uncertainty. Navigating change is never easy. Whether it’s a health scare, personal loss, or financial hardship, it’s natural to experience anxiety, grief, and a lack of feeling in control.

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