161 posts categorized in

Student presentations


Positive news website: an alleviation of depression Bella Li; Jane Kim; Jasmine Mendez

May 10, 2021 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

The negatively biased information from news leads to a negative mood in people such as anxiety and depression, creating even biased perspectives. To alleviate the negative mood and improve the positive psychological health, we decided to create a website that brings positive information to our website users, providing positive information that relieves their negative bias.

Tackling the Santa Ana Homelessness Crisis Abigail Baggelaar, Sydney Carlson, Kristiene Jumig, Emily McHorney, Caleb Wilkins, Nina Wolf

May 10, 2021 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Our idea is to use our $1.4 billion budget to create low income, transitional housing communities which would act as a bridge between homelessness and independence by providing homeless people with access to shelter, as well as mental health facilities and therapy offices. We would also like to implement resources like job fairs, financial advising,

Duck curves & flywheels: Solving the energy crisis with mechanical energy storage Curren Taber, Gary Zeri, Jackson Goldberg, Thomas Hernandez, Zachery Baker

May 11, 2020 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

For society to transition to a fully renewable power grid without dependence on slowly dwindling fossil fuel energy sources, a means of renewable energy storage is required. Renewable energy production fluctuates pertinent to the time of day, such as in the case of solar power, where large amounts of solar power are generated during the

Educating Chapman University about Air Quality Caitlin Felts, Ariel Gutierrez, Lena Khalidi, Saniya Syed

May 11, 2020 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

The goal of our project is to bring awareness and educate the general population about indoor air quality and the harmful effects that high particulate matter concentrations can have on us. We believe it is important to learn about indoor air quality because there is statistical evidence that shows indoor air quality can be worse

Neonatal Hydrostatic Weighing Macy Dexter, Kanaysha Scott, Sofia Bejerano, Julia Muniz

May 11, 2020 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

In the neonatal period of life, it is very important that the measured weight of the newborn is as accurate as possible. An inaccurate weight prevents healthcare professionals from being able to assess and gain accurate information regarding the newborn’s health. Our solution to this, is to use hydrostatic weighing. The hydrostatic weighing method is

Water Filtration Using Biofilms Sereena Gee, Calista Lat, Krista Ruggieri, Joan Karstrom

May 11, 2020 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Access to clean water in poverty-stricken communities poses a significant and expensive challenge globally. The effects of consuming unfiltered water are detrimental to health and physical well-being, as it may lead to waterborne and foodborne illnesses. Our solution, a slow-sand water filtration system, entails the use of inexpensive and abundant natural resources that are proven

Early Wildfire Detection Using a Raspberry Pi Smoke Sensor Toby Chappell, Kelly Ly, Paola Portillo, Jon Le, Kady Lazarte

May 11, 2020 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

To help mitigate the impacts of wildfires, we are creating a smoke detector sensor that has a stable power source, able to transmit a message through Raspberry Pi, and capable of detecting a wildfire when it occurs. We hope by developing this smoke detection system, we can help notify the authorities at a quicker rate

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