161 posts categorized in

Student presentations


Construction and Application of Recreational Haptic Feedback Alexa Zuch, Sarah Fieck, Justin Lee, Spencer Lafferty, Eric Chier

May 12, 2022 by | Student presentations

Our grand challenge is to have a cost-efficient and versatile haptic feedback product that can be used for a variety of applied purposes. To solve this, we applied cost-efficient and versatile components to a glove with vibrational feedback by utilization of Arduino and vibrational motors. Full Poster: Construction and Application of Recreational Haptic Feedback Follow

Salvation Through Education : The Gerrymandering Website Zakari Clark, Jason Bohlinger, Aidan Wall, Ronan Walsh

May 12, 2022 by | Student presentations

Gerrymandering is the intentional manipulation of vote district boundaries to favor one political group/party over another. We see this in the United States from both government parties, who look to either maintain their control through controlling who votes for them or by trying to minimize the value of their opponents’ votes and power. Numerous articles

Degradation Comparison of Plastic Films Over Time Sarah Fraschetti, Sophie Moylan, Sophie Pelton, Spencer Snow, Kainani Tacazon

May 11, 2022 by | Student presentations

The Grand Challenge that our group has focused on is the single use plastic waste that has increased as a result of the pandemic. Throughout GCI, we have researched various biodegradable materials that have the potential to replace traditional plastic films. We have made it our goal to create a homemade starch-based biodegradable plastic film

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