"Oskar Schindler: The Untold Account of His Life, Wartime Activities, and the True Story Behind the List" (David Crowe)

September 21, 2013 by | Books and Authors

The first scenes of Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List (1993) show a man lay out his fine clothing, carefully select a tie, and embellish his suit with a Nazi Party lapel pin. The viewer soon discovers that this is Oskar Schindler, not only a Nazi but an opportunist, a businessman with questionable ethics, and a notorious


"Schindler's List" - Twenty Years Later

September 20, 2013 by | Holocaust Survivor

A few days ago I viewed for the first time in several years Steven Spielberg’s acclaimed film Schindler’s List. In my experience, relatively few films remain meaningful and visually powerful so many years after one’s first viewing. That was certainly the case for me with Schindler’s List.


The Question of Genocide: The Trial of Amon Goeth

September 19, 2013 by | Lectures and Events

Oskar Schindler, Raphael Lemkin, and the Question of Genocide: The Trial of Amon Goeth October 1 •7 p.m. Wallace All Faiths Chapel, Fish Interfaith Center Dr. David N. Crowe Professor of History, Elon University Professor of Legal HIstory, Elon University School of Law Author of Oskar Schindler: The Untold Story of His Life, Wartime Activities,


Collaboration and Resistance

September 11, 2013 by | Books and Authors

During the Holocaust, non-Jews faced a choice: to collaborate with or to resist Nazi rule. Many European gentiles living under German occupation adopted an indirect but still morally compromising course, choosing partial accommodation to Nazi policies rather than total collaboration. Others joined resistance movements only after it was clear that the Allies were winning the war. Jews encountered a far narrower set of options, but some took the difficult path to confront Nazi oppression with armed opposition. Two recently-published books reexamine aspects of resistance and collaboration in light of new research.


John Kerry's "Munich Moment"

September 6, 2013 by | World News and Events

This week Secretary of State John Kerry spoke of the situation in Syria and our national time of decision regarding possible military action as a “Munich moment.”   He was referring to the conference that occurred in late September 1938 in Munich in which the leaders of Great Britain, France, and Italy met with Adolf Hitler


A Gift of Memory

August 27, 2013 by | Holocaust Survivor

Today marks the release of The Boy on the Wooden Box , the memoir of our dear friend Leon Leyson.  Leon was a guiding spirit of our program, always excited about new facets of our program in Holocaust history and education at Chapman University.  It seems only appropriate that we initiate our blog today.  I

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