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The Office of Information Security is receiving notifications about new scams and phishing emails that use the Coronavirus pandemic as an “attention-grabber”.

Some of the most recent scams and hacks:

  • The ‘Emergency – COVID-19 Informator’ or ‘COVID-19 Inform App’.
For this scam, the attackers compromise home routers with weak admin passwords and change the DNS information. The user is prompted to install the fake COVID-19 informator or Inform App which is the Oski information-stealer.
What to do: Make sure you are not using a default or weak Home router admin password.
Read source article here.
  • Phishing emails with Ransomware attachments
Phishing emails have been spotted in the wild using ransomware as attachments
Ransomware – a malicious program that encrypts the contents of a hard drive making it impossible to retrieve office documents or pictures unless a ransom is paid.
What to do: Do not click links or download attachments from senders you do not know.
Read source article here.
  • Corona Antivirus
With a very enticing name, here comes the fake “Corona Antivirus”.
This fake Anti-Virus promises to keep you safe from the Covid-19 virus using a computer program.
What you get instead : a backdoor that gives the hackers users access to your computer and all your information.
What to do:  Keep your existing antivirus up to date. If you do not have an anti-virus, download and install Microsoft Defender – the Microsoft anti-virus. For Windows 10 or for Windows 7.
Read Source article here.Additional tips and tricks to stay safe:

  • Wash your hands
  • Stay home and practice social distancing
  • Change your home router password (use a strong password, over 8 characters, numbers, upper lower case letters, special characters)
  • Do not connect to open wireless networks (that do not require a password to connect to)
  • Go to the source: If you need to obtain information or you receive an email that urges you to take action, go to the source. EG: if you receive an email from your bank, check with your bank using the information posted on the banks official website. If you receive an email pretending to come from the cdc , go to the cdc.gov website.
  • Maintain your Operating System (Windows, Mac) up to date by installing the latest updates.
  • Use a reputable Anti-Virus program – Microsoft Defender or Security Essentials is a good start. Keep your anti-virus up to date.
  • If you receive any suspicious emails, please use the “Report Message” button on the Microsoft Outlook toolbar to send us the email.