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Chapman has an existing one-year contract with LinkedIn Learning which grants us access to a wide range of training videos and materials.

IS&T’s Recommendations:

Featuring “Workplace Wellness” Series:

Trending Now – November 2020:

Popular on LinkedIn Learning:

Untap your learning potential by visiting LinkedIn Learning.

Additional Resources:

Blog on: LinkedIn Learning RENEWED for One Year!

Blog on: Lynda.com is now LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning Site

Happy learning!

*Description of Event: We all seek happiness. We all seek to be productive and to use our talents to make a difference in our work and in the world. We seek balance and equanimity through life’s ups and downs. Most of all, we seek this contentment—especially now—during the complexities experienced during this time of disruption and transformation. Hosted by GenConnectU (and in partnership with LinkedIn Learning) this event brings together two thought leaders in the science, corporate-world wisdom, and applied strategies for achieving happiness from any desk, any screen, and anywhere.