As part of our ongoing commitment to maintaining the security of our systems, the Information Sytems and Technology team (IS&T) will soon send email reminders for the annual password reset to Chapman University’s faculty and staff. Please keep an eye on your inbox for these notifications, which will provide you with all the necessary details and instructions.

Key Details

  • When: Email notifications will be sent out 14 days before a user’s password expires and will be repeated 3 days before the expiration if the password is not changed.
    • Notifications are sent one year from the last password reset, so if you changed your password recently, you will not receive a notification until closer to the 12 month.
  • Why: Regular password updates help ensure the security of your personal and institutional data.
  • What to Expect: The email notification will look like the example below:

Why do I need to reset my password?

  • Mitigating Risk: Regularly changing your password reduces the risk of long-term access by potential hackers. If a password is compromised, changing it limits the time an attacker can exploit it.
  • Data Breaches: With frequent data breaches, you might not always know if your password has been leaked. Changing it periodically helps ensure that even if your credentials are exposed, they won’t remain valid for long.
  • Organizational Policies: Chapman University enforces annual password changes as part of our security protocols to protect sensitive information and comply with regulations.

Visit the Password Management information page for more information. If you need assistance, please contact the IS&T Service Desk.


Stay safe and connected,

Chapman University Information Systems and Technology (IS&T)