12 posts tagged



Chapman University’s CIO Leads At Home and Away Where Helen Norris Leads, Others Follow

February 29, 2016 by | IS&T

Chapman University’s very own Vice President and Chief Information Officer Helen Norris recently co-authored an article  for the Educause Review newsletter on developing security profiles to assess information security risks within a university setting, ideas on technical tools and techniques to help in reducing those risks, and how to measure whether those techniques are actually

9 Tips To Help Protect Your Smartphone

February 16, 2015 by Todd Plesco | Uncategorized

Do you sometimes feel guilty that perhaps you don’t do enough to protect your non-Chapman issued smartphone?  Consider these steps to protect your personal smartphone: Don’t use a simple passcode. If your phone falls into the wrong hands, 1111 or 0000 for a passcode will not be in your favor. Enable the auto lock feature.

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