31 posts tagged

Immigration Law


Fowler Law Professor Julie Marzouk Publishes “Ethical and Effective Representation of Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors in Domestic Violence-Based Asylum Cases”

April 21, 2016 by | Faculty

Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law Professor Julie Marzouk’s article “ Ethical and Effective Representation of Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors in Domestic Violence-Based Asylum Cases ” was recently published in the Clinical Law Review (Volume 22, Number 2). From the abstract: In the last two years more than 100,000 immigrant minors have flooded

Julie Marzouk Awarded Prestigious CLAY Award for “Major Development” in Transgender Rights

March 25, 2016 by | Faculty

Professor Julie Marzouk recently receivedCalifornia Lawyer’s CLAY Attorney of the Year Award for immigration. Marzouk was one of nine attorneys receiving the award for their role in bringing about a “major development for transgender rights.” In three individual cases, the team successfully convinced a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals panel to grant relief to transgender Mexican

Michigan State University College of Law Associate Dean Presents “Immigration Law and the Family” at Chapman Dialogue

March 1, 2016 by | Faculty

On February 8, Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law welcomed David B. Thronson, Associate Dean for Experiential Education and Professor of Law at Michigan State University College of Law, to deliver the second installment of the 2016 Chapman Dialogue Lecture Series. His presentation, “Immigration Law and the Family,” was followed by an interactive discussion

Professor Marisa Cianciarulo Explains What Drew Her to Immigration Law in New Video Profile

June 12, 2014 by | Faculty

Professor Marisa Cianciarulo is featured in the newly released video profile, where she discusses what brought her into scholarly work in immigration law. “I saw firsthand how our refugee laws didn’t always provide the needed protection,” she explains. Her goal is to improve the law and to enhance people’s understanding of immigration law in general. Professor

Chapman 3L Vies for Prestigious EB-5 Visa Awareness Scholarship

December 16, 2013 by | Student Life

Chapman third year law student, Jessi Castro, was selected to be one of five finalists contending for the first-ever EB-5 Visa Awareness Scholarship. Finalists were members of their schools’ immigration law associations, asked to research and write on the EB-5 visa to promote awareness of this important program. Participants had the opportunity to engage in dialogue with leading attorneys

Professor Eastman Published Op-Ed on Arizona Immigration

May 20, 2012 by | Faculty

Professor Eastman published an op-ed in Bloomberg, entitled “Arizona Leads U.S. in Real Immigration Reform.”  In it,  Professor Eastman commented on the Supreme Court hearing dealing with Arizona’s S.B. 1070 immigration law, saying that the Supreme Court justices appeared to be leaning toward accepting the federal government’s argument that when it imposed sanctions only on

Professor Eastman Quoted on Illegal Immigration

December 30, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Eastman was quoted in an article in The Chicago Tribune.  The article  says that as the debate rages on about individual state’s rights to adopt more rigid policies regarding illegal immigration, federal judges have recently blocked strict new immigration laws adopted by conservative legislatures in a half-dozen states. Now, as the cases head to

Professor Rotunda Publishes Article on Immigration

October 31, 2011 by | Faculty

In an article entitled “Perry Is Right on Immigration,” published in the National Review Online, Professor Ronald Rotunda argues that although Governor Perry has “taken a lot of heat for his opinions on immigration [. . .] he is right about the economics: Immigrants do not steal jobs from citizens.” On the topic of providing

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