Stay awake for finals with Leatherby Libraries’ 24-hour service
November 26, 2014
Are you having trouble staying awake to finish your final papers? Are you tired of jockeying with your roommate for the best study space at home? Or do you just need a minute to relax and take a break during these last few weeks of the term?
If any of these finals week problems sound familiar, the Leatherby Libraries may be able to help! The library is continuing its tradition of 24-hour open hours during the last two weeks of the semester. From Sunday, December 7, 2014 through Friday, December 19, 2014, library facilities will stay awake with students as you finish projects and prepare for final exams. During the late night hours, the following services will be available: circulation services, bookable study rooms, and print/copy services.
Public Safety will make rounds periodically throughout the night and the security monitor stationed in the Rotunda will also be on duty. For any concerns and additional protection, students can contact Public Safety for an escort to their vehicles or back to the residence halls on campus.
In addition to making the library available 24 hours a day, Leatherby Libraries will be offering the popular “Cookie Study Break” tables again this year. Students can find a quiet table on the second and third floors with free cookies as long as supplies last. This year, vegan and gluten-free cookies will be available at the circulation desk for students upon request. Coffee and tea will also be offered, courtesy of the Student Government Association.
Good luck to all students completing this semester’s work – everyone here at the Leatherby Libraries is cheering you on!
Photo credit: ginnerobot on Flickr (CC-BY-SA)