Thanks to the generosity of Kevin Staniec ’01 Founder and Executive Director of the 1888 Center, the Leatherby Libraries co-hosted Marketing: Building Your Brand event as part of the 1888 Center’s Summer Writing Project.

The panel that was moderated by Jon-Barrett Ingels covered how to connect with an author’s community using effective media tools and developing meaningful relationships with strategic partners.

The three panelists Jenny FeldonMarisa Reichardt, and Holly Watson discussed topics from social media and handling publishers to how they balance their own self along with a public author’s persona. For those looking to publish their work or simply seeking how to maneuver the marketing of their own brand, the panel was very helpful and informational. Finally, questions from the audience were answered, bringing the phrase of the night: “pet the books.” Before leaving, guests helped themselves to refreshments and they had the opportunity to speak with the panelists directly.

If you were unable to make the event, the panel will be available as a podcast and published on the 1888 website, here.
For more information about Summer Writing Project 2016 please visit
For more information on the panelists, please visit the event page.


Guests recording for the podcast Guests recording for the podcast 2   Guests recording for the podcast 4 Guests meet 'n' greet with vistors   The panelists 3 The panelists 4Jenny FeldonMarisa Reichardt, Holly Watson and Kevin Staniec ’01

