(Exhibit curated and explanatory blog post written by Catalina Lopez)

The library has a new display dedicated to library materials that introduce the basics of 3D technology and the function of makerspaces. The books describe the functionality of 3D printing and how it has influenced medical products, the fashion industry, and engineering practices. I was inspired to curate this display as I continue to research information on the technological innovations that 3D printing has provided in academic environments.

3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is a process of making three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file. An object is created by laying down consecutive layers of material until the entire object is created. Each of these layers can be seen as thinly sliced horizontal cross-sections.

The 3D items in the display were printed from the University of La Verne’s Makerspace. They were printed with PLA (Polylactic Acid) filament, which is an eco-friendly 3D printer material made from annually renewable resources (corn-starch & sugar cane). A virtual design of the object is created using a CAD (Computer Aided Design) software, using 3D modeling program or with the use of a 3D scanner, which copies an existing object.

The exhibit will be on display for the Spring 2019 semester.


Anderson, Chris. Makers: The New Industrial Revolution. Signal, 2014.

Kemp, Adam. Makerspace Workbench. Maker Media, Inc., 2013.

Smyth, Clifford T., and Adrienne Smyth. Functional Design for 3D Printing: Designing Printed Things for Everyday Use. Clifford Smyth, 2017.

A shelf in a display case with two books on either side, and three small orange objects between the books

One shelf in the exhibit, featuring two books on 3D Printing and a selection of 3D-printed objects.

A display case with six glass shelves, each holding between one and three books and between two and six small 3D-printed objects

The exhibit in its entirety – but come check it out to see it in person!