Recent visitors to the Leatherby Libraries have probably noticed a new art exhibit in the Hall of Art on the first floor. From one end of the wall to the other, students working at the study tables are able to look up and see stunning portraits of animals, up close and very personal. These photos are all part of an exhibit by Livi Dom ’20, a Television Writing and Production and Documentary Film major. The exhibit, titled “Paws, Claws, and Praha: Photography from the Prague Zoo,” is the result of Livi’s studies of Documentary Photography at Anglo-American University in Prague. She focused her final study on the globally renowned Prague Zoological Gardens, going almost every week to the zoo to capture the incredible images of these animals. The exhibit will last through the end of the Spring Semester.

On Friday, February 22nd, the Leatherby Libraries held a reception for the exhibit, where Livi was joined by her friends, classmate, colleagues from the office of Strategic Marketing and Communications, and even her mom!

Chapman student artists: if you are interested in having your own exhibit in the Leatherby Libraries Hall of Art, please contact either Essraa Nawar at or Rachel Levinson-Emley at We’d love to give your art a place to shine!

Young woman stands behind a podium talking.

Livi tells the crowd about her experience studying abroad in Prague.

Group of students stand, looking at art hanging on the wall.

Students take in Livi’s exhibit, picking their favorite.

A woman stands, smiling, with two other visitors behind her.

Livi’s proud mom enjoys the reception.

A middle-aged woman stands behind a podium talking while a young woman stands to the right of the podium.

Dean of the Leatherby Libraries Charlene Baldwin tells the gathered crowd about Livi’s accomplishments.