We are excited to announce the International Student Photography Exhibition, the newest art installation at the Leatherby Libraries. This is the first year the exhibition has been housed in the Leatherby Libraries’ Hall of Art.
The photos in this exhibition were submitted to the Office of International Student Services and the Center of Global Education as part of a photo competition celebrating International Education Week at Chapman University. International student photographers were encouraged to submit “original photos highlighting their inspirational international or cultural experiences.” The Office of International Student Services selected three finalists to have their photos placed on display in the Leatherby Libraries Hall of Art.

Chaewon Suh ’25, a Film Production student from Korea, was the competition’s Top Finalist. Her winning piece is titled “The Mist” and depicts a bridge encased in a deep fog. This photo is special to Suh; she took it the morning she received her acceptance letter from Chapman University. As she captured the thick mist, she became enamored with the fog. She realized, “Like the endless mist, the journey of a new path in the new place was also filled with mystery.” However, she was ready for the new experiences as a Chapman student. Her position as the Top Finalist allowed Suh to display three additional photos showcasing her childhood home in Korea.

Manya Chouta ’24, a Business Administration student from India, was selected to participate in this exhibition. Her submission “Netherlands” captures the scene of a Ferris wheel on a pier near the ocean in the Netherlands. She took this photo while on vacation, and while she notes that she did not capture this photo in her home country of India, she felt connected to the images of the oceans. Chouta felt that the visualization of the waves brings a sense of calmness and peace.

The final contributor to this exhibit is Elisa Enriquez ’27, a Business Administration student from Mexico. Her submission, “San Miguel de Allende, Mexico,” shows a young boy riding his bike down the streets of San Miguel de Allende, a colorful town with lasting Baroque architecture that Enriquez has fond memories of visiting as a child. She feels that “… it’s important to show people places like this, that are still traditionally Mexican,” so that people outside of the country can experience the lasting culture of Mexico.

Congratulations to Chaewon, Manya, and Elisa for this significant achievement! We look forward to hosting the next International Students Art Exhibition in December 2024!

This exhibition will remain on display until January 2024.

The Leatherby Libraries’ Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts align with the Chapman University Strategic Plan for Diversity & Inclusion, fostering a diverse and inclusive campus climate.