New Student Assistant’s Experience With Leatherby Libraries
April 4, 2014
Before starting my position as a student assistant here at the Leatherby Libraries, I was obsessively and frequently searching the Chapman job portal for any on-campus jobs that had openings. I have had the good fortune to have a position so local to housing my freshman year, and I enjoy my work days as well! My position here as an assistant at Leatherby Libraries has allowed me to put my artistic and creative talents into use, interact with guests, and be a part of the libraries’ inner workings. The friendly staff have been very welcoming, eagerly incorporating me into exhibits, collections and ongoing events.
As a Digital Arts major here at Chapman’s Dodge College of Film and Media Arts, I have been able to develop my creative skills in Microsoft Publisher by designing posters and informational flyers. Before working at our university’s library, this was a software I only had minimal experience with. Working at Leatherby Libraries has also given me the opportunity to be in a professional upcoming film about the library, and learn about the many ways the library contributes to this prestigious school.
In my short time here at the library, I have taken my knowledge and experience from volunteering at art museums a step further. Becoming involved has already been a great experience and I can’t wait to become involved in the library’s future.