174 posts tagged

Leatherby Libraries


Leatherby Libraries’ First Floor Receives a Face Lift

August 10, 2016 by | News

During the summer, the Chapman University campus utilizes the quiet time to prepare for the upcoming academic year, refresh and get ready for the new upcoming and current classes. in July, the library remodeled the first floor reference area to increase and expand the collections, allow more natural lighting and increase the seating area. The

Hashtag Truth, New Freshman Foundation Course Promotes Information Literacy

August 10, 2016 by | Community

Each new freshman at Chapman University completes their Freshman Foundations Course during their first year on campus. Choosing from a large range of topics, these courses are meant to introduce new students into university workload and practice “critical analyzation and communication.” The Leatherby Libraries is proud of librarians Lugene Rosen and Carolyn Radcliff, two of

Intern Interviews: Rob Strauss

August 5, 2016 by | Meet the Librarians

At the Leatherby Libraries, we have an interview series hlighting the work our amazing librarians accomplish each day. These interviews help inform the community about all the different areas of the library and all the services we have! Now, we’re doing the same with our hard-working interns. Rob Strauss, our Special Collections Intern, was kind enough

Marketing and Building Your Brand Connecting authors to the Publishing World

July 18, 2016 by | Events

Thanks to the generosity of Kevin Staniec ’01 Founder and Executive Director of the 1888 Center, the Leatherby Libraries co-hosted Marketing: Building Your Brand event as part of the 1888 Center’s Summer Writing Project. The panel that was moderated by Jon-Barrett Ingels covered how to connect with an author’s community using effective media tools and developing meaningful

Community of Readers Read-a-thon was a success!

July 18, 2016 by | Events

The Leatherby Libraries Community of Readers  joined together this past Thursday for a relaxing afternoon of reading and sharing books. From 12 – 1 p.m. the Community of Readers held a brown bag lunch. Community members brought food, held an apple tasting and shared what they’ve been reading this summer. The first monthly drawing was

Librarian Interviews: Carolyn Radcliff

July 11, 2016 by | Meet the Librarians

Two summers ago I conducted a series of interviews with all the student workers around the Leatherby Libraries. These interviews helped inform the community about all the different areas of the library and all the services we have! Now, we’re doing the same with all our hard-working librarians. Carolyn Radcliff, our Chair of the Public

Color Printer Arrives at the Leatherby Libraries!

June 30, 2016 by | News

The Leatherby Libraries is happy to announce that we now own a color printer which is accessible to students. Previously, students who needed to print in color had to leave the library and trek over to Argyros Forum. Now, in order to better meet the needs of students, the printer in the 1st floor Rotunda

Popping Art Installation in the Leatherby Libraries

June 29, 2016 by | Exhibits and Displays

The Leatherby Libraries has been home to many an art installation this summer. Hayden Evans created a popcorn art piece, which was displayed on an easel on the 3rd floor near the Lindquist Dream Rooms. The piece represents late trustee Jack Lindquist – made out of painted popcorn! Evans created this piece for his “Objects

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