The faculty at Chapman University are more than just professors. Many of them are prolific academics and researchers working on fascinating projects with serious innovative potential. Faculty across all schools and disciplines at Chapman University are participating in DRAW’s Faculty Research & Creative Activity Expo, this Wednesday October 4th, from 3-5 in the Bush Conference Center (BK 404). You’re invited to discover the incredible creative activity and research developing on the Chapman University campus by talking face to face with the faculty that make it all happen. This event is a fantastic opportunity to network with potential faculty mentors, and forge your path toward involvement in undergraduate research.


Who’s Who at the Faculty Research Expo? Check out this sneak peek at some of the extraordinary work on tap.


Studying English can be more than reading and literary analysis.

Morgan Read-Davidson directs the undergraduate writing programs in Rhetoric and Creative Writing in Wilkinson College and started his academic career as an undergraduate at Chapman University! His interest in research grew from a desire to understand the impact of community outreach writing programs on the self-efficacy of community participants and college students. Professor Read-Davidson’s current study examines the writing workshop as a “complex system” that can influence an individual’s confidence in their writing ability. If you are interested in Professor Read-Davidson’s research, he involves student assistants in much of his field observation. When asked what advice he has for undergraduates just starting their research journey, he emphasized, “don’t worry about what you know, but rather what intrigues you and gets you asking questions.”

Ever wondered what is really in those fish tacos?

Join Dr. Rosalee Hellberg‘s investigation of food fraud and food contaminants. As a professor in Schmid College’s Food Science program, Dr. Hellberg is well-versed with over a decade of research experience in the development of application methods to “detect and differentiate food-borne pathogens, such as norovirus, Salmonella, and Listeria.” Dr. Hellberg is an advocate for undergraduate research; she believes students are an integral part of her laboratory research and additionally encourages students to take on their own independent studies under her mentorship. At the upcoming research expo, Dr. Hellberg will be presenting on a recent study in collaboration with a graduate student that examines the DNA of catfish to detect products that were mislabeled. If you want to “improve the safety and quality of the food supply” and “perform research that has a direct link to our daily lives,” Dr. Hellberg’s lab is the place to be.

Are you a School of Pharmacy student looking to get involved in societally significant work?

Look further than the lab of Dr. Kamaljit Kaur, Associate Professor on Rinker Health Science Campus. Dr. Kaur was drawn to research out of concern for the high toxicity involved in chemotherapy, hoping to apply her expert knowledge of peptide design to increase efficacy and reduce toxicity in chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer patients. “Getting students involved and fully engaged” is Dr. Kaur’s favorite part of her work, and she advises students that “you must feel motivated about [research] so select the topic that really excites you!” The implications of Dr. Kaur’s research are impactful; she hopes to ultimately improve the quality of life for women suffering from breast cancer as well as increase patient survival. Interested in saving lives? Come by the Faculty Research Expo and talk to Dr. Kaur.

Not into the laboratory scene? Research is more than test tubes and data analysis!

Frank Chindamo of Dodge College is moving healthcare into the digital age with the development of a new app LaughMD. Chindamo’s work targets healthcare professionals experiencing high levels of career related stress and burn-out, investigating the efficacy of short comedy videos for stress-reduction via the LaughMD application. Because the stress of healthcare providers can sometimes result in serious or deadly mistakes, developing means of stress-reduction for this population is a must. Chindamo believes the most rewarding aspect of his work is “using laughter to actually help heal people!” His research demonstrates the impact of film reaches far beyond entertainment, and he encourages students to reach out to him directly to get involved.

Intrigued by the work of these incredible faculty members?

Come meet them and many more inspiring leaders involved in creative activity and scholarly investigation. Don’t miss the Faculty Research & Creative Activity Expo this Wednesday, October 4th from 3-5 PM in the Bush Conference Center (Beckman 404). 

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