Alexander Delgado, PharmD (’19)

My name is Alexander Delgado. I graduated in the Spring of 2019 from Chapman University School of Pharmacy. I am currently doing a residency for HonorHealth Scottsdale Medical Centers. My hobbies include playing with my dog, going on hikes, and binge-watching shows from various streaming platforms.


After graduation, I moved to Scottsdale, Arizona to begin my Postgraduate Year One (PGY1) residency. I am doing a 1-year inpatient residency where I am expanding on the clinical knowledge that I gained during school. I was very interested in this program due to the variety of rotations they offer, and the ability to rotate through three different hospitals with very different patient demographics. After I finish my PGY1 I plan on applying for a PGY2 in oncology, so I could specialize in that field.

Goals as Alumni Advisory Board Member

My goal is to help increase alumni involvement, and to give back to CUSP. I see a strong alumni network as a vital part of the continued growth and success of the pharmacy program.

Memories at CUSP

The most memorable parts of pharmacy school were the Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) rotations. These are rotations we do in the final year of the program. I enjoyed these rotations the most because they allowed placing into practice everything we had learned in our program. I also enjoyed attending all the different conferences put on by various national and state organizations. I found these conferences to be a great way to meet student pharmacists from other schools, and they were always a fun experience.

Messages to CUSP Alumni and Students

For alumni, remember to stay involved and take advantage of alumni events as well as Chapman’s extensive alumni network. For current students, my only advice is to become and stay active within the various organizations at CUSP. Those organizations will help expose you to all the various areas that pharmacists practice in, and could help open doors after graduation.