From Recipe to Retail: An Entrepreneur’s Workshop on Leading Strategies for Success in the Retail Food Industry is an annual all inclusive two day seminar designed to guide early stage food companies from ideation through manufacturing to retail sale.  This year’s workshop on September 27 and 28, 2013 attracted 45 attendees, 35 of whom were early stage food companies, while the other 10 were Chapman students. We had national reach with attendees flying in from Connecticut, Ohio, Maryland, and Washington. Fourteen speakers whose talks ranged from business development and pricing strategy to FDA labeling requirements and packaging design provided their expertise. These two testimonials sum up the responses of the attendees the best “I had hit a hard spot and was going through a low motivation period. This workshop reinvigorated the reasons I started in the first place” and “”It was really the perfect mix of food industry information and entrepreneurship 101.”

The 2014 workshop is scheduled for September 26 and 27.  Details will be posted shortly.