94 posts categorized in



Celebrating Dr. Virginia Carson

May 5, 2016 by | Faculty

On April 19 Chapman University leadership, faculty, staff, friends and family, and over 20 alumni from four decades came back to campus to celebrate Dr. Virginia Carson’s retirement. Dr. Carson wore many hats during her 45 years at Chapman including Professor of Biological Sciences, American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow,

Faculty Notes- February 2016 A collection of Schmid College faculty recent paper acceptances and publications, as well as upcoming presentations

February 15, 2016 by | News

Paper Acceptances & Publications Justin Dressel, PhD Journal: Physical Review A Title: Qubit measurement error from coupling with a detuned neighbor in circuit QED Authors: M. Khezri, J. Dressel, A. N. Korotkov Collaborations: UC Riverside, Chapman U Published: 11/5/2015 Abstract: In modern circuit QED architectures, superconducting transmon qubits are measurement via the state-dependent phase and

Justin Dressel: Grainy Digital Photographs

January 20, 2016 by | Events

Dr. Justin Dressel, assistant professor of physics at Chapman University’s Schmid College of Science and Technology, was recently featured on WAMC’s The Academic Minute explaining, “how quantum physics has a lot to do with what shows up on your screen.” If you missed the live broadcast of Dressel’s The Academic Minute, its audio & transcript can be found

April 2015 Nepal Earthquake was an Eye-Opener for the Region The recent 7.8 earthquake destroyed almost half a million buildings in the Himalayan region, home to nearly 900 million people.

October 15, 2015 by Ramesh Singh, PhD | Research

Today we recognize The Great California Shakeout of 2015, on October 15, 2015, at 10:15 a.m., to bring awareness to the importance of earthquake preparedness. Dr. Ramesh P. Singh‘s recent article on the April 2015 Nepal earthquake reminds us how devastating these phenomena can be. The recent earthquake [Magnitude 7.8] of April 25, 2015, occurred at 11:56

Machine Learning & Assistive Technology (MLAT) Lab Opens With Reception After opening in January, Faculty, Staff, Students and Donors join for presentation and celebration

October 1, 2015 by | News

Chapman University’s Machine Learning & Assistive Technology (MLAT) Lab was only just founded in January of 2015, but the work coming out of it is already proving to be not just useful, but important. The goal, ultimately, of the MLAT Lab has been to provide a formal organization for researchers at Chapman who are dedicated to

Mapping in Melbourne

September 8, 2015 by | Faculty

In the first weeks of fall semester, the campus is abuzz with talk about what everyone did during the summer, how it sped by, and what adventures they had. For me, the most memorable part of this summer was experiencing winter in July for the first time in my life. I had the privilege of

Dean’s Diversion: The Importance of Being Self-Critical

July 12, 2015 by | Research

As scientists and humans, we are all going to make errors in our work – hopefully those errors arise from honest mistakes and not bias. In experimental science, we are accustomed to performing research using the principles of the scientific method. We form a hypothesis, conduct an experiment, collect data, analyze and interpret the data,

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