21 posts tagged



Schmid Students Awarded Outstanding Poster Award at SoCal Chemistry Research Symposium Congratulations Mo Hijazi '24 and Leah Zahn '23!

September 1, 2022 by | Research

Chapman University students Mo Hijazi ’24 and Leah Zahn ’23 were recently awarded the Outstanding Poster Award at the SoCal Chemistry Research Symposium hosted by the University of California, Irvine on Friday, August 12. Due to the pandemic, the conference was held virtually. Mo Hijazi, Junior Biological Sciences major, presented his poster on his research

Simon STEM Scholar Shares Research Experience Ricardo Espinoza Hernandez '23 shares his REU experience as a Simon Scholar

July 14, 2022 by | Research

Simon Scholar Ricardo Espinoza Hernandez, a rising senior biology major, is currently working at the University of Iowa as a part of their REU program. Ricardo answered questions for fellow students interested in pursuing research, shared his research experience, as well as his experience as a Simon Scholar,  and what that means to his undergraduate

Chapman Students Present at the West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference (WCBSURC)

June 2, 2022 by | Research

Four Chapman University students presented their research at the 45th annual West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference (WCBSURC) at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, California. WCBSURC is among the oldest, intercollegiate conferences of its kind in the nation and has been attended by students and faculty representing 193 institutions in 37 states

Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Receives the Robert Lochmiller Award Dr. Lopes is recognized for her contributions to disease ecology and ecological immunology.

June 2, 2022 by | Faculty

Dr. Patricia Lopes has been named a winner of the Robert Lochmiller Young Investigator Award on behalf of the Division of Ecoimmunology and Disease Ecology in the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Named in honor of a seminal figure in ecoimmunology, the award recognizes distinguished contributions to the fields of ecological immunology and disease

8th Annual Southwest Regional Meeting of Organismal Biologists 7 Chapman students presented their research

November 8, 2021 by | Research

On October 23rd, 2021 Chapman University hosted the 8th Annual Southwest Regional Meeting of Organismal Biologists, where students, faculty, and postdocs are able to discuss research through short talks, posters, and informal discussions.   Dr. Doug Fudge and Dr. Patricia Lopes hosted over 100 visiting biologists and students who are doing integrative research in the

Schmid College Summer Research Showcase Recap

August 5, 2021 by | Events

On August 4th, 2021, Schmid College of Science and Technology hosted the first annual Summer Research Showcase to celebrate the undergraduate students who participated in summer research programs such as SURF, SURFEES, and Schmid College Summer Interns. This was the biggest summer research cohort Schmid College has ever had. The student participants presented their research

Exploring Costa Rica Student Spotlight: Morgan Grimes

February 16, 2021 by Monroe Roush | Student Focus

Happy International Education Week! Students at Chapman have the opportunity to study abroad through the Center for Global Education, where they are paired with programs that fit their academic and personal interests.  This week, we are highlighting STEM students who have studied abroad as a way to enhance their global perspective. Morgan Grimes is studying

Learning to Lead during a Pandemic Student Spotlight: Izze Billet '21 shares about her CHOC internship this past summer

October 5, 2020 by Monroe Roush | Student Focus

We are continuing our blog series featuring students who worked or had internships in their field this past summer! This week, we spoke with Izze Billet (’21), a biological sciences who worked at the Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC). Izze shared her leadership experiences and the transition the program had to make during the

Schmid College’s Transition to Remote Learning Special thank you to our lab staff!

May 4, 2020 by Monroe Roush | Faculty

The current COVID-19 outbreak has disrupted the way that Chapman students normally attend class, participate in labs, and interact with their peers. However, with students and faculty still committed to personalized learning experiences, we’ve been able to find creative solutions for students to learn the content and skills they need from the safety of their

A Change in Career Path Faculty Research Inspired Alum to go into Public Health

September 13, 2019 by Elisa Hernandez | Alumni

Biological sciences alumna, Harmanpreet Bhatti ’17, entered Chapman planning to pursue a career in forensic medicine or pathology. Looking to gain more research experience, she found Dr. Georgiana Bostean’s Social Determinants of Health Research Laboratory. Joining Dr. Bostean’s laboratory ended up changing her outlook and career path.  “What I didn’t realize was how ill-informed I was about

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