Exploring Costa Rica Student Spotlight: Morgan Grimes
February 16, 2021
Happy International Education Week! Students at Chapman have the opportunity to study abroad through the Center for Global Education, where they are paired with programs that fit their academic and personal interests.
This week, we are highlighting STEM students who have studied abroad as a way to enhance their global perspective. Morgan Grimes is studying Studio Art, Chemistry, and Biology, and studied abroad in Costa Rica in 2019.
Schmid College: What was your favorite part about studying abroad?
Morgan Grimes: I loved exploring the country and conversing with the locals. I was able to take a lot of trips during my visit such as to Mt. Arenal, the hot springs, and turtle island.
SC: What was the most challenging aspect of studying abroad?
MG: I think the most challenging aspect of studying abroad was acclimating to a new culture and then once you are used to it you have to go back home.
SC: As a STEM student, how did you plan your academic schedule around studying abroad? What classes did you take?
MG: Part of my plan coming into college was to study abroad. I knew it was difficult for STEM majors but it was one thing I wasn’t willing to compromise on. The way that I went about it was by finding a program that fit my majors. There are programs for all majors and you can find a program that fits your Chapman plan. I researched tons of different programs and tons of different universities because I knew that all of my classes had to count towards my degrees in some way. I took Environmental photography, Environmental policy, Botany, and Spanish 201 while I was there.
SC: What would you recommend to other STEM students who are thinking about studying abroad?
MG: I would recommend to plan plan plan. Make sure you go in knowing exactly where classes are going to count or how you are going to get requirements completed. There are a lot of programs, and studying abroad earlier in your college career can help you get those requirements met!
Start your Study Abroad Fair journey at a special session for Schmid College of Science & Technology students to learn about programs recommended for your major. Monday, February 22, 2:30-3 p.m. PST. RSVP here.