Dear Colleagues:

With the start of the new year, we’re beginning the final countdown to the complete launch of the university’s new website. As you might recall, our goal is to migrate from “old site” to “new site” in early March, and that looming deadline has us all working at top speed.

Getting updated content is our most pressing challenge right now. Content rewriting began in mid-October and many sites are essentially complete. If you’re wondering about the status of your particular website, however, a quick phone call or email to David May can let you know where you stand.

Knowing your status is important. It might alert you to steps that need to be taken to avoid missing the March deadline. Creating a completely refreshed and co-branded web presence for the university is an institutional imperative. Our goal is to reduce duplication, eliminate old information, and substantially enhance the entire site’s search optimization. Unfortunately, those pages that are not rewritten and submitted in time for optimization and migration (January 31) will not “go live” in March. The links will essentially be dead until the content is revised and approved.

Additionally, many of you have had a chance to review and consider options for colors and landing pages for schools/colleges, departments and other programs. If you haven’t made your final selection, please try to nail that down in the next few days. Again, an email or phone call to David May will complete that loop. (And if you haven’t had a chance to review options, please let David know so he can swing by with a short presentation.)

The web revision will be a huge benefit to Chapman University. To everyone who’s helped move this process forward at lightning speed, thank you for your support and encouragement. Please let me or David May know if you have any questions we can answer or solutions we might be able to propose.

Thank you
