
Our office has coordinated with Chapman’s Webmaster in IS&T and people at Hannon Hill to create dynamic work-flows for Cascade, the new content management system for Chapman’s new website.  Work-flows allow pages that are submitted to be approved prior to being live.

What does not need to be approved?

  • News
  • Events
  • Social Media Feeds (available in the 2.0 version of Chapman’s new website)
What DOES need to be approved?
  • New pages
  • Changes in the technology of a website
  • Changes in the content or design of existing pages
Why do pages need to be approved?
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Is the submitted page compliant with accessibility/other standards
    • There are legal requirements that must be checked for.  Ignoring these standards could result in fines or law suits
  • Confirmation that the submitted page meets Chapman’s writing style guide / other guidelines and policy
  • Confirmation that the technology is working appropriately
  • Is the content ‘web friendly?’  Remember, writing for the web is different than writing for print.
    • Is it too long?
    • Should it be broken up into multiple pages?
    • Should it be consolidated with another page?
    • Should it be re-formatted into bullet points or graphics?
    • etc.
  • Spelling / punctuation
  • etc.

Who has the ability to approve pages?

  • Chapman’s Webmaster
  • SMC Web Coordinators (x3)
  • Chapman’s Web Technology Specialist
  • Chapman’s Web and Interactive Marketing Manager
  • Chapman’s Senior Web Designer
How long will it take?
  • Previously, Chapman’s Webmaster approved all of the pages prior to them going live.  This is no small task, and despite the incredible volume of pages submitted (daily) she was able to turn them around typically within 8 working hours.  Our hope is that with additional publishers, your pages will be approved even faster, ideally within 4 working hours.

I hope this answers some of your questions regarding work-flows and the approval process.  We do need to ensure the highest standards as we continue to improve Chapman’s overall web presence.  Thanks so much for your help.

-David May on behalf of the Web Core Team