New Internship: Mary Pickford Foundation Honors 2 Dodge College Grad Students
February 12, 2014
We’re thrilled to share some exciting news from Professor Emily Carman of the film studies department; she has partnered with the Mary Pickford Foundation to provide Dodge College film studies students a hands-on opportunity to work in an advanced film archive:
The Mary Pickford Foundation is proud to support an internship program at Chapman University’s Dodge College. During the Winter 2014 term, two Masters students, Caitlin McCain and Skylar Hunter, selected by Assistant Professor of Film Studies, Emily Carman, will be cataloging archivist Alan Boyd’s nitrate film collection under his direct supervision.
The Mary Pickford Foundation is a nonprofit film archival, specializing in the treatment and manipulation of physical film. In part, the Foundation
cooperates with film archives worldwide on joint preservation projects, implements educational outreach programs in universities nationwide, and works to bring restored and rare films to theaters. The Foundation has also partnered with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to support the Academy’s planned museum and to establish an annual Mary Pickford Celebration of Silent Film. In addition, the Foundation has added material to the Mary Pickford Collection at the Academy’s Margaret Herrick Library where they are working to professionally digitize documents, scrapbooks and photographs for future generations to study.
This is a great opportunity for both Caitlin and Skylar, and we can’t wait to see what comes of the new program! I’ve reached out to the students, and I’m hopeful we’ll have a first-person perspective to share from the hallowed halls of nitrate!