Download your Grade Center.

Print or Save Discussion Board posts.

Download Turnitin Assignments.

Perform a course review.

  • What worked well and what did not work?
  • What technical difficulties did you have?
  • What content or tools do you need to modify/add/remove?
  • What tools or features do you want to learn more about?

Perform an accessibility review.


  • Images have alternative text
  • No images of text or blinking images and animations
  • Word and PowerPoint documents are properly structured
  • PDFs are tagged for accessibility
  • Videos are captioned
  • Color choices have proper contrast
  • Tables are not used for layout

Tools and Technology:

  • Do colors within the application have proper contrast?
  • Does the entire page magnify, not just the text?
  • Are all controls accessible with a keyboard?
  • Does clicking from labels move the cursor to the right element?
  • Are audio and visual notifications provided in more than one format?
  • Is the content clear when style sheets are disabled in the browser?
  • Are there additional plug-ins and downloads required?