This is part 4 of a 4-week series on how to get your course ready in Canvas

In Week 1, we explored training opportunities, uploaded a profile picture, uploaded a syllabus to the Syllabus tab, and uploaded files.

In Week 2,  added Modules and Pages, and looked at examples of courses from other institutions for ideas.

In Week 3, we added Activities (Discussions, Assignments, Quizzes), hid all unused Course Navigation, and selected a Home Page.

Here are some ideas of what to do this week to finish your course in Canvas.

Consider Grading

Submit any needed requests

View your course as a student

Prior to publishing your course, it is a good idea to view the course under Student View in order to test it fully before it’s published.

Review pronouns

Publish your course

In order for students to see a Canvas course, you need to publish it. It takes just a few seconds to publish a course!

Note: publishing a course does not publish content that has been designated as “draft” or “unpublished.” To publish content, assignments, modules, etc., you must click the publish icon next to each item.







Communicate with students 

Final reminder

Feel free to reach out to Canvas 24/7 support via phone or chat if you have any questions! Canvas 24/7 support is available by clicking the question mark icon in the left-hand course navigation menu.

They can help you answer almost every question you have in Canvas. If they are unable to help, they will refer you back to the Canvas Team at Educational Technology Services.