If you’ve been asked to teach online, it will be important for you to prepare digital content to share with your students. Here are several ideas for content creation (this information is taken from Chapman University’s Course Continuity page):

Tools for creating PDFs

If you don’t have a scanner readily available, there are several smart phone apps that create quality PDFs. Search your app store for well-rated scanning apps and post scanned documents in a place where students can find them (preferably Canvas or Blackboard). Microsoft Lens is available to Chapman instructors (Microsoft Lens on AppleMicrosoft Lens on Google Play) and can be access through Chapman credentials.

Various tools for recording lecture

Tools for recording lectures are abundant. Chapman University has a sitewide license for Panopto and Adobe (sign in through your institutional credentials). PowerPoint has its own internal recording capability.

Voice-Over-Powerpoint: Record an audio file narration with slides

Panopto Desktop Capture: Record desktop and audio files

Adobe Spark VideoAdobe Audition and Adobe Premiere Rush: Record video and audio

Other tools for creating content

Google documents: Creating and sharing are easy through Google documents, which are available to all Chapman University faculty through their Chapman credentials

Canvas Pages: Canvas has the internal capability of content creation through Pages [Canvas Pages Video]

Canvas hyperlinks: Add hyperlinks to Canvas of content that already exists on the web (including information you may create on a Google document)

Blackboard items: Instead of adding files, Blackboard Items can be used to create text-based content

Blackboard hyperlinks: Add hyperlinks to content that already exists on the web (including information you may create on a Google document)