Name: Sydney LeGrett

Position: Affiliate Marketing Coordinator

Company: National Football League (NFL)

Sydney LeGrett graduated from Chapman in 2020 with a degree in Business Administration (Marketing Emphasis) and a minor in Law, Justice, and Social Control. During her time at Chapman, she held 3 different internships and served as VP Finance for her sorority, Delta Gamma. She currently works as an Affiliate Marketing Coordinator for the NFL.

What has your career journey been like so far post-grad?

Due to the fact that I graduated during COVID, it was pretty unpredictable. After undergrad, I went to grad school right away for my MBA, which was something I had always hoped to do. After a ton of applying and interviewing, I was able to land my first role at the NFL and worked full-time while finishing up school.

Do you have any personal hobbies or interests that you are passionate about that sparked your interest in the world of sports?

I love pilates, going to concerts, basketball games, trying new coffee spots, hiking, and being with my friends whenever I can. I try to travel as much as possible and go to the beach most weekends in the summer. And of course in the fall watching football with my family on Sundays!

What was the process like for getting your job at the NFL?

I was lucky enough to intern for the Los Angeles Chargers during my time at Chapman. This experience naturally gravitated me towards a job in sports, and more specifically the NFL. After a lot of interviewing, I first landed a seasonal position at the company and then was able to come into the position I’m in now. I’m currently working in the marketing department, primarily with affiliates!

What has been your favorite memory of working at the NFL so far?

I’ve had so many good memories! My favorite was probably working during the Super Bowl LVI in Los Angeles, especially because it was at Sofi Stadium – right across from our office. It was really remarkable to see the biggest event in sports come to fruition right under my nose. Being able to go to NFL Honors and other events that week was a really amazing experience I’m very thankful for.

What made you want to pursue a career in a male-dominated industry? What have been the challenges you’ve had to overcome if any?

I grew up around sports – my brothers played almost everything and my dad coached basketball. I took a sports marketing class for a semester in high school and loved it so much! Once I was able to secure an internship in the industry I really loved it in comparison to past roles. There have of course been challenges, but overall, I have met some of the most inspiring colleagues and motivating bosses. I’m very grateful.

What are your long-term career goals?

I have a lot of goals, but right now just to keep working hard and see where I can go! I’m excited to see what’s next.

What is one piece of advice you would give to your freshman self?

I would tell myself to not take anything too seriously and chase your curiosity!

If you could describe your Chapman experience in one sentence, what would it be?

My Chapman experience was a roller coaster, but overall extremely busy and fulfilling. I met some of the best people I’m still friends (and roommates!) with today.