Meet Charlotte Tonks, Class of 2024! Charlotte is a Business Administration major with an emphasis in Marketing, a minor in Graphic Design, and is also obtaining a certificate in Applied Statistical Analysis. Further, Charlotte is a Provost Scholar and is currently pursuing her Bloomberg Certification.

Charlotte chose Chapman and the Argyros School of Business and Economics because of “the connections and opportunities they provide for their students.” She says that she “saw the great lengths they would go to for their students and alumni to help them firsthand when my brother graduated from Chapman. I knew I wanted to join a community that genuinely cared about their students.” Charlotte also knew she wanted to attend a school that would allow meaningful connections with professors and classmates. Chapman fit the bill!

Charlotte’s Chapman Experience

Charlotte’s Chapman experience thus far has been filled with incredible experiences inside and outside the classroom. “I have learned so much from my professors and peers throughout my time at Chapman. I have grown so much as a person, academic, and business professional,” she says.

Miss Tonks was a Residential Advisor for first-year students during her sophomore year and says that she “learned the value of the community while aiding those who were experiencing college for the first time.” 

One of Charlotte’s favorite memories at Chapman was moving into Chapman Grand during her freshman year and meeting some of my closest friends. “My freshman year was all virtual, but I was one of the lucky few to have lived in Chapman housing,” says Tonks. “Having classes online allowed us to have more time to meet new people and explore Orange as best we could. I especially love all the times we would go on late-night ice cream runs to Afters Ice Cream and end up sitting in the middle of the road under all of the lights for hours because all of the roads were closed back then.”

One of her other favorite memories at Chapman so far was studying abroad in the south of France during the Summer of 2023. “I was able to develop my skills in French and explore Europe. I fell completely in love with Monaco, which was only a twenty-minute train ride from where I was studying in Nice, France. On this trip, I also met some amazing people from Chapman who ended up being some of the best travel companions ever, even if we did end up getting lost at points and accidentally walked into another country.”

Campus Involvement

Miss Tonks wanted to make the most of her college experience, so she tries to be as involved in the Chapman community as she can. So far, these are some of the things she have been involved with:

National Student Advertising Competition Team (NSAC)

NSAC is Chapman University’s award-winning student advertising agency that competes against over 200 schools in AAF’s National Student Advertising Competition. “We spend a year delving into a case study given to us by a national client and emerge with an all-encompassing advertising campaign,” says Tonks. Earlier in 2023, Chapman’s team placed third in the nation, beating out teams from UCLA, UCSD, and many others. Charlotte “worked in the creative department, helping with the ideation and strategy of the marketing campaign.”

Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority

Charlotte joined Theta during her sophomore year of college and has met many amazing friends. She also says that she has been able to hone her leadership skills through her leadership position in Theta.

Volunteer Admissions Team

Charlotte is also a volunteer and helps the Office of Admission team at Chapman by serving on incoming student panels and answering any questions incoming students or prospects may have about life at Chapman.

Team Econometrics

While earning her Applied Statistical Analysis Certificate, Charlotte was fortunate to take Dr. Jim Doti’s Econometrics class. “This class has got to be one of the best classes a student can take at Chapman,” says Tonks. “You learn so much valuable information regarding forecasting trends and the behind-the-scenes of the annual Chapman Economic Forecast. During this class, I had the opportunity to be a part of the ‘Team Econometrics’ running team, where we trained to run a half marathon. This was my first time doing long-distance running, and I will be forever grateful to Professor Doti, who helped me discover my love for running.”

Early Career Experience

Charlotte started as a Marketing Assistant for the Argyros School in February 2023. She says, “I truly believe I have the best job on campus! I will be forever grateful to Aulton Kohn Jr. and Lauren Belzer for believing in me and taking me on in their team. I have gained so much knowledge and experience in the world of marketing, in both the strategic and creative sides.” Charlotte has loved every moment of helping out with the ideation and creation of content for the Argyros Business School. Some of her favorite projects to have worked on were acting as a “Chaos Coordinator” for the first-ever Leadership Crisis Challenge during the Spring 2023 semester and the Senior Spotlight Series showcasing graduating seniors at the Argyros School.

In addition to her role at the Argyros School, Charlotte is having an ‘out-of-this-world experience’ as a Research Assistant for Mars Exploration. In this role, Miss Tonks helps Professor David Kiddie research the possibility of ceramics on Mars through many experiments and trials.

Tonks has also previously interned as a Marketing & Graphic Design Intern at PASSCO where she helped create graphics and content for the real estate investing company. Here, she worked on the marketing team and gained knowledge on the legalities of marketing in a real estate investing company, website analytics, Salesforce implementation, and event planning. 

“I have developed hard and soft skills during my time here. I have learned the necessary skills in Excel, R Studio, EViews, and many other programs while also developing my data interpretation skills in my classes. I have also learned interpersonal skills that will ensure that I will thrive in the workplace,” says Charlotte. Working with a team, adapting to challenges, creative problem-solving, and even time management are all crucial skills to have, and Charlotte says that they are skills she’s adopted throughout her years as a Panther. “Learning how to network with business professionals, classmates, and professors is also a valuable skill I learned at the Argyros School.”

Long-term, a career goal of Charlotte’s is to find a position that allows her to apply her knowledge of business marketing while also utilizing her skills in data analytics and creative design.  “Another goal of mine is to continue learning new skills, especially in the data analytics field, to help me with the future of marketing,” she says.


Charlotte’s advice for incoming students is to “Take advantage of every opportunity you can while at Chapman. Meet with your advisors. Check out that club you wanted to join. Go to office hours. Take that fun sports class you always wanted to try to meet new people. Don’t waste a second because these four years go by so fast!”

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