In a world where specialization and multidisciplinary expertise are increasingly valued, finding the perfect educational fit can be a daunting task. However, for Kathrine Cardiff, a trailblazing MBA student specializing in Marketing and Entertainment & Media Management at Chapman University’s Argyros School of Business and Economics, the journey has been nothing short of exhilarating. Set to graduate in May 2024, Kathrine shares her transformative experiences and how Chapman has played an instrumental role in shaping her academic and professional aspirations.

The Chapman Choice: Business and Entertainment in Harmony

Choosing the right institution is crucial, and Kathrine’s decision to join Chapman’s Argyros School of Business and Economics is an illustrative example of a well-thought-out choice. With a focus on both Marketing and Entertainment & Media Management, Kathrine found the perfect blend of her passions at Chapman. Further, Kathrine is a part of the Industry OnRamp Program. “This program combines JD, MBA, and MFA in Producing students in classes and networking events who are interested in gaining a holistic view of the entertainment industry,” says Cardiff of the OnRamp program.

Chapman’s location was also a big pull for Kathrine, nestled in the heart of Orange County and a stone’s throw away from the entertainment hub of Los Angeles. This advantageous location means that students like Kathrine are not only exposed to top-notch academia but also to real-world experiences that can shape their future careers.

Campus & Early Career Experience

Reflecting on her time at Chapman thus far, Kathrine describes her experience as “wonderful and filled with adventure.” The university and the Argyros School are host to many opportunities including workshops, masterclasses, networking events, clubs, etc. that allow students to explore the areas they’re passionate about. “It’s hard not to pack my schedule with all the exciting events and classes Chapman has to offer,” says Kathrine.

Campus involvement is a vital part of any student’s experience, and Kathrine is no exception. She has immersed herself in various clubs, including the Primetime Television Club, The Reel Society, and Women in Animation. Her commitment to Women in Animation is evident as she serves as the Treasurer of the Chapman chapter. This kind of engagement not only enriches her university experience but also paves the way for building meaningful connections with like-minded peers.

Kathrine’s journey at Chapman has not only been about coursework but also about applying her knowledge in real-world settings, having served as a Development and Production Intern at Seasick Studios. “Since Seasick is a smaller production company, I was fortunate to gain lots of hands-on experience in multiple areas, including conducting market research for potential casting choices, developing feedback for marketing materials such as pitch decks, writing coverage, and being privy to the development, preproduction, and production processes of their current projects,” she says. This practical exposure not only solidified her classroom learning but also equipped her with valuable industry insights.

The Argyros School has had quite an impact on Kathrine. “The Argyros School has helped me gain a strong foundational business education along with networking and job searching skills,” says Cardiff. “I especially enjoyed the skills I learned from Statistics and Business Analytics with Dr. Sinha and Financial Accounting with Professor Rayson.”

As she looks ahead, Kathrine says, “There are a few different long-term career paths that pique my interest, but I’m passionate about a career that involves both analytics and creativity.” From choosing the perfect fit and seizing every opportunity to bridging theory and practice, her experiences are a testament to the transformative power of an enriching educational environment. As she prepares to step into the professional world, Kathrine is undoubtedly equipped with the skills, knowledge, and network to make her mark in the dynamic realm of business and entertainment!

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