The School of Communication hosted its annual spring beach clean-up on April 23rd at Bolsa Chica State Beach. Students from SCC-498 – Senior Seminar– chose to collaborate and co-host the event with the SoC Student Advisory Board in an attempt to strengthen and foster meaningful connections between the SoC seniors and first-years. The SCC-498 students decided to create a carpooling system that creates bonding opportunities to further get to know one another, while en route to the Beach Clean-Up. Taking into consideration how transportation can hinder new SoC students from being able to attend off-campus events, the seniors wanted to ensure that they would have a reliable transportation option along with conversations full of advice. Overall, the goal of the carpooling option was to optimize an existing School of Communication event by providing a senior perspective and mentorship to younger members in the program.

The beach clean-up took place the day after Earth Day, which was a great way to give back to our environment and celebrate the holiday. The clean-up kicked off at 9:30 am with a successful turnout of almost 30 people, including students and staff. Each participant paired up with gloves and buckets in hand. They each circled the beach in an attempt to pick up any litter found amongst the sand and on the shore. Juniors and seniors were able to catch up with one another and get to meet new faces, creating meaningful connections within the SoC community. As the morning went on, students were able to continue their conversations over beverages and snacks along with entertainment provided from the Chapman Radio Club. A handful of students willingly carpool with one another, especially with their classmates and friends within the SoC. All in all, this event went great and we successfully filled buckets with over 27 pounds of trash.

Students who attended the event expressed how much they enjoyed participating in cleaning up the beach while simultaneously getting to know their SoC peers. Many of them expressed how they were able to gain insight on classes, internships, career opportunities, four-year plans, and so much more. We cannot wait to see what next semester’s beach-clean up brings forth for the SoC community!

Here are some photos from the SoC Spring beach clean up: