44 posts categorized in



Interning With Fashion Retail During a Pandemic Mackenzie Maynard's Internship Experience at Marine Layer

September 29, 2021 by | Internships

Hey everyone! My name is Mackenzie Maynard and I am a senior here at Chapman. I was lucky enough to land my second internship with an amazing company called Marine Layer. Marine Layer is a retail store tailored to target individuals who embody their 7-day weekend lifestyle and who appreciate sustainable fabrics.  My primary responsibilities

Changing Route: From Marketing to Politics Bri Buda's Internship experience at Lincoln Club of Orange County

January 13, 2021 by | Internships

Hi, my name is Brianna Buda (everyone calls me Bri)! I am currently a senior Communication Studies student at Chapman University with a minor in Creative and Cultural Industries (CCI). The minor has expanded my interests and broaden my horizons within the creative and cultural industries such as marketing, social media, broadcast journalism, and many

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