Helping Shape The Leading Voice of Business in OC

February 24, 2020 by | Internships

Hi there! I’m Bryan Cindea, a senior in the School of Communication at Chapman studying Strategic and Corporate Communication. For my fall 2019 internship, I was lucky enough to join a tight-knit team of individuals whose mission is to keep Orange County a great place to live, work, and do business. Orange County Business Council


Is Shallow Thinking Sinking Your Resume?

February 20, 2020 by | Career Advice

A resume that’s light on details can sink you to the bottom of a recruiter’s pile of applicants. Are you jotting down just the basics about your jobs, internships, or volunteer activities? Or, are you providing compelling, even granular details that bring your experiences to life as a recruiter reads about your work history and


Trying to find my career path through internships

February 18, 2020 by | Internships

Having grown up with a strong artistic and design background, I always imagined pursuing a career where I was able to use this creative outlet to my advantage, especially within the marketing field. Over summer, I was a digital marketing and PR intern at a local PR agency back home in Hong Kong, and during


Calling all Chapman Radio Alumni!

February 12, 2020 by | News

Throughout Chapman Radio’s history, the priority of both the listener and the DJ was always equipment. From the original AM technologies when we first started in 1967, to our shift to an online interface in the 1990s, the technology of the club is the most important part to connect our student and faculty DJs to


Chapman at the Forefront of Coining a New Discipline: Positive Media Psychology

February 10, 2020 by | Uncategorized

School of Communication Assistant Professor Sophie Janicke-Bowles, in collaboration with Dr. Katherine Dale from Florida State University, has received a $10,000 conference award granted by the Faculty Development Council at Chapman University which allows them to host the first Positive Media Psychology Conference in April 2021. Positive media psychology is an emerging field that explores


Why is Personal Branding Central to Career Success?

February 8, 2020 by | Career Advice

You attract job offers you genuinely desire when you focus on your unique and most appealing set of qualities. Positive self-awareness helps you naturally and intentionally communicate why you are the ideal candidate. After all, how you feel about yourself is like a cold. It’s contagious. When you answer job interview questions with stories and


From Curriculum Development to Pursuing a Ph.D.

February 7, 2020 by | Alumni

Shana Makos graduated in 2006 with her B.A. in Communication Studies and a minor in Public Relations. Shana lives in Champaign, Illinois and is getting her Ph.D. in Communication at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In this alumni spotlight, she talks to us about what she’s been up to since graduating from Chapman and


Meet the Acting Dean: Jennifer Waldeck, Ph.D.

February 3, 2020 by | Faculty

On January 1st, Dr. Jennifer Waldeck assumed the role of Acting Dean of the School of Communication. Dr. Waldeck was asked by Provost Glenn Pfeiffer to serve as Acting Dean while Dr. Lisa Sparks takes a leave of absence from her role as Dean to focus on her Congressional Campaign. In a message to the


Are You Leveraging the Power of LinkedIn Recommendations?

January 31, 2020 by | Career Advice

  On your LinkedIn profile, Recommendations have a unique purpose. Recommendations can publicly praise your soft skills, authentic traits, and personal values. These insights and endorsements about your character create a favorable message about you as a person, which is impossible to do in any other section of your profile. Consider that 85% of jobs


If You Never Try, You Will Never Succeed

January 23, 2020 by | Internships

Hi! I am so happy you’re here. My name is Jordyn Bradbury, and I am a senior double-majoring in Strategic & Corporate Communication and Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing. I will be graduating from Chapman in just a few short months (crazy!), so before I go, I wanted to take the time to

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