A Message From Dean Hill

June 5, 2020 by | News

On Tuesday, the School of Pharmacy and Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences sent the message below to our faculty, staff, and students.  In addition, in a recent email to a concerned student, I highlighted Crean College’s long-standing commitment to diversity and inclusion and then committed to renewing our efforts to address systemic racism


Alumni Spotlight: Christine Rosales '13

June 4, 2020 by | Alumni

When I reflect on my time at Chapman I cannot help but think about where I started, how far I have come, and who helped me get here. As a working-class Latina and first-generation college student, I came to Chapman looking to be the first in my family to earn a degree, make a career


Faculty Honors 2020

May 28, 2020 by | Faculty

Each year, The Office of the Provost and the Faculty Senate co-host the Faculty Awards Convocation honoring members of the Chapman University faculty for teaching, scholarship, and research. The event was canceled this year due to the pandemic, but awards were still announced via internal email. We are delighted to report that two Crean College


Academic Stars of 2020

May 21, 2020 by | Students

The annual undergraduate Senior Celebration banquet and ceremony was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the Departments of Health Sciences and Psychology have decided to publish the names of all awardees TODAY! We will post a slideshow presentation of these names to our social media channels later in the day. Congratulations to all for


Simon Scholar PA Scholarship Program is Now Accepting Applications

May 14, 2020 by | News

We are excited to announce that we are currently accepting applications for the new Simon Scholar Physician Assistant Program at Chapman University. Qualified individuals who wish to earn their Masters in Medical Science degree (MMS) at the Chapman University Physician Assistant program are invited to apply. This scholarship opportunity supports first-generation college students who have


Shift Your Focus to Lessen Anxiety during the COVID-19 Pandemic

April 23, 2020 by Sarah Ashley | Students

In these uncertain times, something I’ve found to be helpful is a shift in focus. Instead of thinking about what is OUT of my control, I shift my focus to what is IN my control. When we spend our time thinking about what is out of our control, such as the scope of the pandemic

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