65 posts tagged

Crean College


Senior Spotlight: Loura Derro (’23 MS Communication Sciences & Disorders) Crean Senior Overcomes Numerous Challenges While Completing Grad School

May 16, 2023 by | Students

Loura Derro (she/they) ’23 MS has had their share of challenges these past few years, but as a testament to their character and strength they never gave up. As a 2nd generation Asian-American from a low-income background, Loura made the difficult decision to separate from a toxic family home all while dealing with a cancer

Senior Spotlight: Shaylee Matthews (’23 BA Psychology) Crean Senior Finds Her Calling in Helping Others by Pursing her MFT After Graduation

May 12, 2023 by | Students

What experiences as a Chapman Undergrad were most valuable to you? The most valuable experience I had during Chapman Undergrad was participating in research studies for class credit. I loved strapping up and helping all the research students in any way I could. I also enjoyed getting to know all the research students over at

Senior Spotlight: Sarah Rightmire (’23 BA Psychology, Minor Disability Studies) Crean Senior Engages Washington in Medical Activism & Runs Support Group for Sick Children

May 8, 2023 by | Students

Graduating Senior Sarah Rightmire is pursing her Master in Public Health with a concentration in Health Policy Analysis and Management at the University of Maryland next year. She shared with us a little bit about her Chapman experience and some advice for incoming freshman. What experiences as a Chapman Undergrad were most valuable to you?

Crean College Commencement 2023 A Guide for Crean College Graduating Seniors, Faculty, and Staff

April 27, 2023 by | Graduation

The Chapman University Commencement weekend is just around the corner and we are getting excited! We want to make sure Crean College seniors, faculty, and staff have all the essential information needed to have a hassle-free experience.University Commencement Ceremony  (all schools and colleges), Friday, May 19, 2023 7:00 p.m. Wilson Field University Commencement Ceremony is

Jessie Ginsburg (MS ’13) Amplifies Voices in the Autistic Community April is Autism Acceptance Month

April 5, 2023 by Sarah Buckley | Alumni

As a speech-language pathologist, Jessie Ginsburg (MS ‘13) supports autistic kids through her speech therapy clinic, Pediatric Therapy Playhouse, and online training she offers for professionals and parents. Ginsburg asks the question, how can we as a society support autistic people by giving them what they need to be successful in this world?  Ginsburg shared

Crean College Parent Spring Summit 2023 February 10th - 11th

February 3, 2023 by | News

We are excited that this year’s Parent Spring Summit will be held in person! For more information on all the events on campus and to register visit this link. Saturday February 11th at 1:00pm – 2:30pm Crean College will be hosting a Q&A session for parents to learn more about the undergraduate experience at Crean

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