Dodge College student Oliver Bogner is quite possibly one of the busiest twentysomethings in southern California.

With the various accolades and accomplishments he’s already known for, between a full-fledge production company, a reality TV pilot, and profiles in Forbes Magazine, you’d be forgiven for assuming he’s an alumni, out of school for half a decade.

But, no! Oliver is merely the latest Dodge College student to be making headlines across the nation for his unique brand of entrepreneurial spirit and creativity.  He has been featured several times on this blog for his fast-moving career, including his first profile in Forbes, and a brief on his success before even enrolling.

Elite Daily, an online blog of the who’s-who across various headline-making industries, recently captured “The 10 Most Creative Millennials In The World” – in which Oliver nabbed the #9 spot.  (Of special note: the #10 spot, just below Oliver, belongs to Mark Zuckerberg, the now-famous inventor of Facebook.)

Writes Joseph Milord of Elite Daily,

20-year-old Oliver Bogner is truly one-of-a-kind. After successfully pitching a reality show to E! centered around his high school days as a hit DJ in Beverly Hills, Bogner instantly knew what the next venture of his young entrepreneurial career would be.

“I was awe-inspired,” he told Forbes. “I knew this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.”

Five years later, Chapman University junior is the owner of Bogner Entertainment, a television production company, and also works as an executive producer under relativity media.

He is currently credited as the executive producer of three shows “Flipping Divas” on HGTV, “Biker Gang Project” on the National Geographic channel and “Addicts & Animals” on Animal planet.

The Hollywood prodigy says he wants to go a step further in the next year too, as he plans to match his industry idols, like Survivor executive producer Mark Burnett, by producing 10 different shows on 1o different networks.

At the rate he’s going, it would not be wise to bet against him.

Great press, Oliver – we can’t wait to see what’s next!

Read the entire article on Elite Daily’s blog.