2021 Faculty Career Champion Dodge College of Film and Media Arts
March 15, 2021
You may know him as the professor for Agents & Managers, or “JoRo”, professor Joe Rosenberg has made an immediate impact in his relative short time at Chapman University’s Dodge College Producing program. Joe has been selected as this year’s Dodge College’s Faculty Career Champion! Before he was tapped to support career initiatives, Joe was going above and beyond for students pursuing a career in the entertainment industry. It didn’t matter if a student actually had Joe as a professor, if they sought him out, he assisted any way he could. Dodge College had 20 nominations from students and we congratulate and recognize them for all their hard work!
When students were asked about why they were nominating Joe for this recognition they did not hesitate to offer their reasons. Below are some of the responses we received:
“Not only has Joe been extremely helpful in my (and other students’) pursuits in internships and jobs, Joe has been one of the most encouraging and supportive figures in my career journey.” Samantha Kurtz (BFA/CRPR ’21)
“Jo has been an incredible asset, and whether in person or online he has brought in guest speakers that have wanted to network with students. He’s amazing and is willing to work with anyone outside of the classroom. Every time I speak with him he gets me excited to work in Hollywood again.” Phoebe Trowbridge (BFA/CRPR ’21)
“JoRo has, hands down, been one of the most impactful and incredible professors I’ve had the pleasure of learning from. He always prepares his students superbly well for the future in whatever their discipline may be. He has made sure that we are well-versed in all aspects of the industry and he does everything he can to put his experience to generous use. Joe Rosenberg has connected students with employers, served as references, and been a mentor for so many of us. He is what comes to mind when I think of what an amazing professor should be.” Marcella Zizzo (BA/SW ’21)
Thank you Joe for all your support of Dodge College students. We look forward to the future of Dodge College’s Careers Office with your leadership.