Check out the most recent batch of job postings on the Chapman University Careers page, specifically the ones you can apply for right here at Dodge!

See all the recently posted positions here, including the ones from other colleges.  You can do a search for code “3167” to find all of the Dodge ones quickly, or take a look at some of the ones we’ve highlighted below:

  • AY1314 Student Teaching Assistant:  Provide high level/administrative support to faculty as a teaching assistant for their courses.
  • AY1314 Student Digital Arts Assistant:  Digital Arts assistant for various digital arts projects and assisting students with their problems in addition to digital arts related computer and software maintenance.
  • AY1314 Student Lab Assistant II:  Higher level duties; may include supervision of other student workers. Various duties including studio operations, recording sound, operating a video camera, switching and assisting with set-up.
  • AY1314 Student Lab Assistant I:  Higher level duties; may include supervision of other student workers. Various duties including studio operations, recording sound, operating a video camera, switching and assisting with set-up. This is a level 1 lab assistant, and all new applicants for this position should apply to this posting. If you were already a lab assistant in a previous semester, apply for level 2.
  • AY1314 Graduate Admissions Assistant
  • AY1314 Front Office Student Assistant
  • AY1314 Student Goldroom Assistant:  The Goldroom is Dodge College’s production equipment rental house.
  • S2013 Student Financial Assistant
  • S2013 Student Stage Assistant