42 posts categorized in



Info and FAQs for Spring 2014 Transfer Students

September 6, 2013 by | Admissions

The deadline for Spring 2014 transfer applications is coming up soon: October 15, 2013!  There’s still plenty of time to put your application together, but the sooner you start, the better – transfers in particular have a lot of information to assemble, and you don’t want to be stuck waiting on a transcript in the

Exciting Opportunities for Admitted Students

February 21, 2012 by | Admissions

If you are reading this and have been admitted to Dodge College and Chapman University…congratulations!! It has been a competitive year so you should be very proud to have gotten to this point. I wanted to share with you two opportunities we offer that should help with your decision-making process.   Panther for A Day This program

Summer Film Academy Application is Now Available

January 25, 2012 by | Programs

Our application for the 2012 Dodge College Summer Film Academy are now available on our website. This exciting opportunity allows high school students to learn the art of film production in a hands-on, personalized environment, while working in our industry-standard Marion Knott Studios. The program is great for students just starting out who want to learn more

Admissions Season Has Begun!

November 18, 2011 by | Admissions

I wanted to check in with all of you that applied Early Action. If you did, then first of all, congrats for the completing the application! I know that must be a great feelingJ We have started the reviewing process here, and I am definitely excited with what I have been seeing!   We have

I may be travelling to a city near you!

October 13, 2011 by | Admissions

I wanted to let all of you know that I am doing some recruitment trips in the next few weeks, and would love to see you there if you are in the area! Here is my schedule:   October 18, 2011: Denver Visual and Performing Arts Fair November 1, 2011: New York Visual and Performing

Uploading the Dodge College documents

September 27, 2011 by | Admissions

Hello 2012 Applicants!   We have been getting a lot of questions regarding how to get the Dodge College documents sent in for your application. I know that it can feel a little overwhelming, so I thought I would help lay out the instructions here as well.   Basically, any written piece that you do

Our Application Requirements are Now Available!

July 29, 2011 by | Admissions

We have put our new application requirements up on our website, so I encourage you to take a look! There have been a few changes from last year, so make sure to read carefully. The Common Application will be available September 1, but I wanted to let you know that you could at least start

Transfer Decisions

May 26, 2011 by | Admissions

Just wanted to give you all a quick update: We are working to get as many transfers decisions as we can completed by June 1. If you have not heard a decision yet, but need to know in order to make a decision before deadlines for other schools come up, let me know; I should

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