29 posts categorized in



Swipe Right on Your Next Script with James Dutcher

December 7, 2021 by | Faculty Spotlight

It’s time to find your perfect match… With its name inspired by the dating website eHarmony, Script Harmony is an online database of completed IP, AP, and Thesis screenplays. Scripts are categorized by both genre and length, making it easy for Film Production and Producing students to browse for their next project. “The idea behind

Cross-Cultural Action Comedy “Twin Blades” Wraps Production Alumna Ingrid Eskeland-Adetuyi '15 wrote and sold her first feature script

September 4, 2019 by | Alumni Spotlight

Twin Blades, penned by Ingrid Eskeland-­‐Adetuyi (Screenwriting, ’15), began production in Hong Kong and Mainland China June 2019. The script was one of seven specs sold in 2017 written by a “first-­‐timer” and sold to Cristal Pictures (Hitman’s Bodyguard) and Wanda Media (Wonder Woman) with Lauren Shuler Donner and Jack Leslie of the Donners’ Co.

Program Spotlight: Screenwriting So you want to become a screenwriter?

January 7, 2019 by Janell Shearer | Screenwriting

The old joke says that every waiter in Hollywood is actually a screenwriter who is likely to hand you a script along with your burger and fries. While producers and directors in Hollywood may or may not be so accosted, there are plenty of aspiring screenwriters looking for ways to break into the business. But

Available Now – The Science of Screenwriting

February 12, 2018 by | Faculty Spotlight

Professors Paul Gulino and Dr. Connie Shears have published a new book, The Science of Screenwriting – The Neuroscience Behind Story Telling Strategies. This book will help Dodge College students and those interested in screenwriting “navigate the mass of often contradictory advice” given about screenwriting. Purchase The Science of Screenwriting. Amazon Reviews The Science of Screenwriting explores the workings of

Screenwriting: Where The Story Begins

March 9, 2017 by | Screenwriting

Before the budget is set, the cameras roll, and the film is edited, there is something very integral to the process that is needed: the script. Too often people forget that these worlds we see on the silver screen need to come from somewhere. “Screenwriters are invisible, and most people don’t know that we exist,”

Matt Deller: Screenwriting Success

November 30, 2016 by | Programs

Forget about Twilight. And who cares about The Walking Dead? Professor Matt Deller has some things in the works that will make you forget that they even exist. Deller, one of our Screenwriting faculty members, has been making some waves recently, and we wanted to showcase his talent (despite his humbleness). Deller started his career

Television Writing Alumni Share Their Stories

June 30, 2016 by | Alumni

Earlier this week, James Macak’s Seminar in Television Writing summer class had three fantastic guests to talk about their careers after graduating from Dodge College. Morgan Steele (BA/Screenwriting ’06), Jeremy Svenson (BFA/Film Production ’06), and Leon Langford (MFA/Screenwriting ’15), all at varied stages of their career, have had interesting paths to where they are now.

Screenwriting Students Get Pitching Experience with Real Managers

March 7, 2016 by | Academics

One of the things that Dodge College does so well is provide our students with real-world experience in their classes so they are better prepared for the entertainment industry. This past Friday, Matt Deller, one of our screenwriting professors, had managers from Epicenter come into his undergraduate thesis screenwriting class to give some advice about

When the Page was Blank: Screenwriting Advice from the Pros

September 4, 2015 by James Dutcher | Programs

“Just sit your ass down in a chair and hope your head gets the message.” – Larry Gelbart (on how to start writing) Generally the response to the question, “who’s your favorite screenwriter?” is a resounding…. “Ummmm….” My hope is that When the Page Was Blank, the new blog I am overseeing, can harness the

Mack Kalish – Student, Screenwriter, and Author!

October 27, 2014 by | Beyond Dodge

Writing a book isn’t easy. It’s a long, arduous process that can also be creatively satisfying once you reach your end goal. On top of that, not only do you have to write it, but once it’s done, you’ll want to get it out into the world for others to enjoy as well. And so

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