96 posts categorized in

TV Writing / Production


A TV Series based on a Tweet? On CBS!?

June 10, 2010 by | TV Writing / Production

A TV SERIES BASED ON TWITTER POSTINGS?  AT CBS???      Yep – that’s exactly what this fall will bring.  CBS has ordered a half-hour comedy for fall based on the popular series of Twitter postings &*$! My Dad Says.      At first blush, this seems crazy – using something as slight as Twitter postings to

Cross Cultural Film-Making

June 9, 2010 by | Beyond Dodge

TV Students Robert Amidon and Ashley Young are off to Korea with Prof. James Gardner as part of a Korean exchange program where Chapman students make a short film with Korean students from Seoul Institute of the Arts, then the Korean students come to Orange and make a film with the Chapman Students! Television students

Creating Your Own TV Series

June 3, 2010 by | TV Writing / Production

CREATING YOUR OWN TV SERIES For professional TV writers the Holy Grail is creating your own series – coming up with the concept and characters, pitching and selling it to a network, writing and producing the pilot, then making it to the fall schedule – and hopefully 10 years on the air. Here at Chapman,

Chapman Alum Realizing His Field of Dreams

June 3, 2010 by | Kudos!

Jeff Levering (TBJ, 2005) is one of alums working in sports. Jeff chose the hyper-competitive field of play-by-play, passing on easier paths with Fox Sports and the NFL Network. And in a few short years Jeff has made it to second base, landing the play-by-play gig with the Springfield Cardinals, the AA-affil of the St

TV and Getting Lucky

May 25, 2010 by | TV Writing / Production

My friend Neil Landau (author of the hot new book 101 Things I Learned in Film School – check it out) says that to make it in the entertainment industry, you need luck.  BUT: Neil has a very specific definition of luck.  It’s LUCK = PREPAREDNESS + OPPORTUNITY.  You never know when opportunity might knock,

The Internet and the Future of TV

May 18, 2010 by | TV Writing / Production

The Internet and the Future of TV      Google has just announced technology that will allow TV viewers to flip seamlessly between traditional TV shows, YouTube videos and other Internet content.   Called Smart TV, the software will be built into Internet-connected TVs, Blu-ray players, and set-top boxes.      How are we at Chapman keeping pace

What’s a Show Runner?

May 14, 2010 by | TV Writing / Production

WHAT’S A SHOWRUNNER?       Most people know that in feature films, the director is the final word creatively on the project.  But on a TV series, the head honcho on all creative matters is called the showrunner.  A showrunner is a writer/executive producer – both the head writer of the show and the highest ranking

Got JObs? We Do!

May 12, 2010 by | TV Writing / Production

GOT JOBS?  WE DO!      Last night, the Prime Time TV Club held its 4th annual Foot in the Door night, where recent alums share the inside story on how to land a job in TV or film when you graduate.  Here’s just a few of the highlights: ·         Andrew Lewis now works as an

Rule #1 on Breaking into the TV Biz

May 10, 2010 by | TV Writing / Production

Students always ask me, "What's the best way for me to break into TV as a (fill in the blank – writer, producer, director)?"  The answer is really simple: the best first job for anyone to get in TV is whatever job you can land.  Forget the whole idea of "dream job."  Get you foot

Toastmaster Tommy returns

May 5, 2010 by | Events

If you can get by AF 208 tonight, my old friend “Toastmaster” Tom Kalajian is delivering his annual public-speaking sermon to the media-law class. Plenty of seats in the amphitheatre. Tricks of the trade on everything form a three-minute speech to Master of Ceremonies before an audience of thousands.

First Post!

May 5, 2010 by | TV Writing / Production

TV IS GOOD 4 U  Comedies – Dramas – News – Documentaries      Welcome to TV IS GOOD 4 U, the blog about all things TV at Chapman University.  Just in the past few weeks here:   Professor Pete Weitzner took students to a taping of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno We screened Rising

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