The 2012 Annual Meeting for the American Educational Research Association (AERA) took place April 13 to the 17th  in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.  We are so proud of our faculty and graduate students who presented over 20 professional papers at this year’s conference where the focus was Non Satis Scire – To Know Is Not Enough!  Take a look at the research and topics presented by our faculty and students:

Dr. Amy Ardell – “Mental Vacations”: Book Club Meetings in a Homeless Shelter for Women

Veronica Bloomfield – The Ties That Bind: Interrupting Familial and Personal Performances of Whiteness and Culturally Responsive Methodology: On the Branches of the Family Tree

Dr. Joel Colbert – Meet Journal Editors: Journal Talks 4

Dr. Meghan Cosier – The Back of a Short Bus Is Still the Back: Intersection and Impact of Policy, Context, Race, and Disability

Dr. Margie Curwen – “Gives Me the ‘Right’ to Teach Science”: Professional Development’s Impact on Primary Grade Teachers’ Practice and “Mental Vacations”: Book Club Meetings in a Homeless Shelter for Women

Dr. Dina Eletreby – Conversion Experiences of American Muslims in the United States: Bridging the Distance Between White Male Subject and Brown Female Researcher Through Use of a Culturally Responsive Design

Jocelyn Esquer – Rivers of Knowledge: Developing Culturally and Socially Responsive/able Research Methodologies

Dr. Susan Gable – Strategic Use of Mixed Methods in Disability Studies: Possibilities and Challenges

Dr. Keith E. Howard – Examining the Influence of School-Based Collective Socialization for High-Achieving Black Males in Mathematics

Melanie Kamae – Rivers of Knowledge: Developing Culturally and Socially Responsive/able Research Methodologies

Dr. Ndindi Kitonga – Rivers of Knowledge: Developing Culturally and Socially Responsive/able Research Methodologies

Sarai Koo – Chair for session on Asian American and Pacific Islander Lived Experiences and Their Impact on K-16 Education

Dr. Gerry McNenny – Chair for session on Undergraduate Writing: Desire, Beliefs, and Self-Regulation

Dr. Roxanne Miller – “Gives Me the ‘Right’ to Teach Science”: Professional Development’s Impact on Primary Grade Teachers’ Practice

Dr. Lilia Monzo – A Mother’s Humiliation: School Organizational Violence Toward Latina Mothers and Learning to Follow: An Ethnographer’s Tales of Engagement

Dr. Philip Morse – Not Being All They Can Be: A Comparison of Four-Year-College-Bound and Military-Bound High School Graduates, Academic Achievement and Advanced Courses in High School: Do Schools Provide Access and Are Students Taking Advantage of It?, and The quality of high school curriculum and academic success: Does coursework rigor translate into higher achievement?

Deborah Nodelman – An Aesthetic Methodology of Culturally Responsive Socially Responsible Research Practice and Creating Space for Possibility: Transformative Practice in an Elementary Visual Art Studio

Dr. Colette O’Bannion – “Gives Me the ‘Right’ to Teach Science”: Professional Development’s Impact on Primary Grade Teachers’ Practice

Dr. Michelle Samura – Remaking Selves, Repositioning Selves: An Examination of Asian American College Students’ Efforts to “Belong” and Convergent Meanings of Race and Space: The Spatial Duality of Higher Education for Asian American Students

Dr. Suzi SooHoo – Meet Journal Editors: Journal Talks 4 and Humility as the Researcher’s Stance When Studying With Indigenous People: An Auto-Ethnography

Christopher Strople – Examination: A Survey of Self and Identity and Proposing a Counternarrative to the Scientific Method

Norma Valenzuela – Love as a Way of Knowing: The Transformative Power of Love in Culturally Responsive, Socially Responsible (CRSR) Methodologies

Dr. Kimberly White-Smith – Gives Me the ‘Right’ to Teach Science”: Professional Development’s Impact on Primary Grade Teachers’ Practice

Dr. Anna Wilson – Poetry and Postcards From the Margins: Errant Wanderings Among Silenced Voices and Problematizing the Privileging of Lesbian Voices: The Subaltern Voices of Women Loving Women Within the Lesbian Narrative

Dr. Tom Wilson – Chair for Neoliberalism, Neocolonial Domination, and Democratizing Research and Student Empowerment, Eco-Pedagogy, Popular Culture, and Love


To read about Doctoral Alumni, Dr. Dina Eletreby’s experience at AERA 2012, click here.

To read about Doctoral student, Marisol Rexach’s experience at AERA 2012, click here.